旷亮用英语怎么说 旷亮的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-13 20:11:24凉兮


旷亮用英语怎么说 旷亮的英语翻译

1. Ambassador Kuang Conversing with President Koma

2. Big skies, big hearts, big, shining continent.

3. Zhao Kuang. His Majesty orders Yield at once

4. i'm afraid he'll leave no stone untned.

5. Big skies, big hearts, big, shining continent.

6. - How stng was the light?

7. Ambassador Kuang Shakes Hands with President Koma

8. Blaze, where's the balloon?

9. But... But you are already in 11th grade and you missed school too much.

10. Han Kuang is performing an topsy in three days.

11. Blaze, listen, it's the ocean.

12. Or if i'm not nd, you can talk to my sister Flo.

13. She suffers fm agoraphobia, and she got dizzy.
