arousal是什么意思 arousal的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-19 11:27:33隔岸观火

arousal是什么意思 arousal的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Arousal 是指人或动物的行为、感觉或生理状态的激活或。通常用来描述情感或生理上的唤醒或兴奋感。



1. ual arousal 性唤醒

2. emotional arousal 情感唤醒

3. cognitive arousal 认知唤醒

4. physiological arousal 生理唤醒


1. be in a state of arousal 处于唤醒状态

2. experience arousal 经历唤醒

3. increase arousal 增加唤醒

4. decrease arousal 减少唤醒



1. The exercise increased my level of arousal, me feel more awake and alert.


2. The sight of blood caused a physiological arousal, resulting in an increased heart rate and sweating.


3. The scary movie created a significant emotional arousal in the audience, causing many to jump out of their seats.


4. The teacher used various strategies to increase cognitive arousal in her students, such as asking thought-provoking questions and encouraging debates.


5. The medication reduced his level of arousal, calming his nerves and allowing him to relax.


6. The researcher yzed the partints' levels of arousal during the experiment to determine their emotional responses.


7. Different types of music can elicit different levels of arousal in listeners, from relaxation to excitement.





1. The loud music caused a great arousal in the crowd.(响亮的音乐引起了人群的极大兴奋。)

2. The movie had a strong ual arousal effect on the audience.(电影对观众产生了强烈的性唤起效果。)

3. The teacher's lecture didn't seem to have much arousal on the students.(老师的讲座似乎没有对学生产生太大的兴奋作用。)




例句:7 achieved no arousal at all. (7号完全没有勃起 7 achieved no arousal at all.)


例句:As a consequence, the "lie detector" test is misnamed: It's really an arousal detector.41. (这导致测谎受到诋毁:这实是一台唤醒探测器。)


例句:This makes you more receptive to touching and being touched, sending the signal that you can relax into your arousal. (这使你更容易接受和被 当你放松并达到兴奋时 就会发送信号)


例句:The temporal generalization task and bisection task were taken to study the effects of arousal and valence on time perception. (翻译:研究了情绪唤醒度和愉悦度对时间知觉的影响及其机制。)


arousal一般作为名词使用,如在emotional arousal([医]情绪激发)、misattribution of arousal(生理激发的错误归因)、over arousal(过度唤起)等常见短语中出现较多。

emotional arousal[医]情绪激发
misattribution of arousal生理激发的错误归因
over arousal过度唤起
performance arousal[网络] 性能唤醒
physiological arousal生理激发
somatic arousal躯体唤起
state of arousal激发状态、唤起状态
optimal arousal level最佳唤醒水平
physiological arousal measure生理激起测量、生理唤起测量
sympathetical empathetic arousal同情型同理心激发


1. This makes you more receptive to touching and being touched, sending the signal that you can relax into your arousal. (翻译:这使你更容易接受和被 当你放松并达到兴奋时 就会发送信号)

2. The temporal generalization task and bisection task were taken to study the effects of arousal and valence on time perception. (翻译:研究了情绪唤醒度和愉悦度对时间知觉的影响及其机制。)

3. She said: 'During the sessions I use the power of arousal to let you gain more control over your life. (翻译:他说:“我使用激励的方法,使客人更好地控制自己的生活”。)

4. Already the press of arousal, can not achieve symbolistic earnings only readily. (翻译:已经觉醒的出版社,并不甘心只能获得象征性的收益。)

5. The brain regions that were affected by light are also typically involved in attention and arousal regulation, Vandewalle said. (翻译:被光线影响的大脑区域主要与“注意力”和“觉醒机制”有关。)

6. Dopamine is released during arousal. (翻译:多巴胺是在兴奋时释放的。)

7. Across the animal kingdom, when males see other males mating, it tends to provoke arousal. (翻译:在动物界,当雄性看到其它雄配时,就会唤起。)

8. Low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter connected to arousal, may make depressed individuals less attentive to new information. (翻译:低水平的 激起兴奋神经传递的血清素, 可能让抑郁的人更不关注新信息。)

9. An arousal index is determined for use in an outer loop of a control algorithm, the arousal index being a measure of the frequency of sleep arousals. (翻译:确定在控制算法的外环中所使用的微觉醒指数,微觉醒指数是对睡眠微觉醒的频率的测定值。)

10. Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there. (翻译:觉醒还是好的,因为你在那一点上还是有较大的挑战 )

11. When you first started drinking coffee, the arousal was all you wanted and also all that you got. (翻译:当你刚开始喝咖啡,你只是想提一下神,它也确实能起到提神的作用。)

12. Arousal states for clients 1 and 6 were instantaneous. (翻译:1号和6号客人立刻勃起了 Arousal states for clients 1 and 6 were instantaneous.)

13. And there's actually a cortical arousal we're looking at, because guys have been with guys in teams, in clubs, in gangs, in fraternities, especially in the military, and then in pubs. (翻译:我们看到的其实是一种皮层兴奋 因为男生总是和其他男生一起 在运动队中,在社团中,在群体中,在兄弟会中 尤其是在里,或酒吧里 )

14. So physiological arousal predicted, in this study, attitudes toward gay marriage. (翻译:在这项研究中,生理反应预测到 实验参与者对同性恋婚姻的态度。)

15. So, arousal is the area where most people learn from, because that's where they're pushed beyond their comfort zone and to enter that -- going back to flow -- then they develop higher skills. (翻译:觉醒是大多数人学习的地方 他们在那样的区域就走出舒适圈 而后走进流动 学会更高级的技能)
