黄冠梨用英语怎么说 黄冠梨的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-19 15:41:18叫做缘


黄冠梨用英语怎么说 黄冠梨的英语翻译

1. Have an avocado, strangled with prunes.

2. Effects of potassium humate on the soil humus, nitgen, phosphorus, potassium in Huangguan pears were studied.


3. You've got pears in yo flowers.

4. That's Kali, the Goddess of Destruction.

5. For the shmp and avocado salad, you need shmp and avocados that's easy so far but first, let's discuss the ogin of the word "avocado".

译文:做酪梨鲜虾沙拉食材 当然包括酪梨和虾 首先我们来探讨酪梨这字起源。

6. i'd like o kilograms of pears, please.

7. Shinichi, wake up! Maya too!

8. - A little bit of cooked pear.

9. Pear, tickle, "pear-tickle. "

10. Well, will you bng me some pears back, then?

11. My name is Huang Kuan-C,

12. And-And what about the bartlett campai?
