labyrinth是什么意思 labyrinth的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-19 21:37:18语桃


labyrinth是什么意思 labyrinth的中文翻译、读音、例句





Labyrinth和以下单词有类似的意义:maze, puzzle, riddle, enigma, conundrum。


Labyrinth经常在文学和艺术中出现。著名的例子包括:希腊神话中的米诺陶(Minotaur)迷宫、戏剧《皮克尼克在洛瓦尔草原上》(Picnic at Hanging Rock)中的悬崖迷宫、电影《魂断蓝桥》(Now, Voyager)中的抽象心理迷宫。此外,这个单词在现代音乐、电子游戏和电视节目中也有出现。


1. The maze of tunnels and pages made it nearly impossible to escape.(这个隧道和通道的迷宫几乎让人无法逃脱。)

2. The problem of climate change is a labyrinth that we must navigate together.(气候变化的问题是一个我们必须共同应对的难题。)

3. Her mind was a labyrinth of twisted thoughts and conflicting emotions.(她的内心是扭曲的思想和矛盾的情感的迷宫。)

4. The puzzle was so complex that it could only be solved by the most skilled experts.(这个难题是如此复杂,只能由最熟练的专家解决。)

5. The mystery surrounding the disappearance of Amelia Earhart remains a conundrum to this day.(艾米莉娅埃尔哈特失踪的谜团至今仍然是一个谜团。)




1. The old castle has a labyrinth of secret pages.


2. He felt as if he were wandering in a labyrinth with no exit.


3. The game involves navigating a ball through a labyrinth of obstacles.





例句:The lantern of the labyrinth of the Jardin des Plantes is also very ingenious. (植物园的迷宫之灯也是巧妙异常。)


例句:No wolf has ever made it through the labyrinth. (至今为止还从来没有狼能穿过迷宫 - 可...)


例句:Nobody can get through the ice labyrinth, right? (没人能穿过那片冰晶迷宫,是吧? - 嗯~~~)


例句:Excuse me, but I have to get through this labyrinth. Can you help me? (翻译?)


labyrinth一般作为名词使用,如在disease of labyrinth(迷路病)、ethmoid labyrinth(筛骨迷路)、ethmoidal labyrinth(筛骨迷路)等常见短语中出现较多。

disease of labyrinth迷路病
ethmoid labyrinth筛骨迷路
ethmoidal labyrinth筛骨迷路
fin of labyrinth宫汽封片,曲径汽封片
gill labyrinth鳃迷器
impeller labyrinth[化] 叶轮迷宫密封
kinetic labyrinth[医] 动性迷路
labyrinth algorithm迷宫算法
labyrinth baffle迷宫式障板
labyrinth bearing迷宫轴承,曲径式密封轴承


1. Nobody can get through the ice labyrinth, right? (翻译:没人能穿过那片冰晶迷宫,是吧? - 嗯~~~)

2. Excuse me, but I have to get through this labyrinth. Can you help me? (翻译?)

3. As the reader sees, the subterranean labyrinth of Paris is to-day more than ten times what it was at the beginning of the century. (翻译:正如我们所见,今日巴黎的地下迷宫,与这个世纪开始时相比已增加了十倍以上。)

4. Of course, when other physicists and I actually work on this stuff, the mathematics can resemble a dark labyrinth. (翻译:当我和其他物理学家在研究这些东西时 数学就像一个黑暗的迷宫 )

5. As it collects on the fallen branches and trunks that litter the forest floor a hidden labyrinth of snow tunnels is created beneath. (翻译:As it collects on the fallen branches and trunks 当雪逐渐积累在布满枯树枝的 that litter the forest floor, 凌乱森林地面 a hidden labyrinth of snow tunnels is created beneath.)

6. For an experience of soul healing, be sure to walk a labyrinth with Shulman's music. (翻译:要体验灵魂的疗愈,请让舒曼的音乐在漫步中伴随你。)

7. She has seen it, I must go to the labyrinth and face the Minotaur. (翻译:她预见到了 我肯定会被送去迷宫 面对弥诺陶洛斯的)

8. We lost our way in the labyrinth of streets. (翻译:我们在迷宫式的街道上迷了路。)

9. And so that maybe becomes part of the draw and part of the labyrinth. (翻译:那也许就是万年钟带给游人的吸引力与神秘感之一)

10. Snake river fighting here folding, color stone for the end of Labyrinth Youtong Gap. (翻译:这里河道斗折蛇行,彩石为底,幽峡曲径。)

11. Governing, conversely , is a labyrinth of red tape that often reeks of failures and false starts. (翻译:相反地,的运作则是官僚的迷宫,充满失败与错误起步的恶臭味。)

12. With the receding of the waters, erosion sculpted the rock into an elaborate graveyard, a labyrinth of 1,500 islands of fossilised plankton. (翻译:海水消退后 被水蚀刻的岩石形成错综复杂的墓地 1500座化石构成的岛屿犹如迷宫一般)

13. Labyrinth is the twistiest and she hides things so I don't know where they are. (翻译:迷宫最麻烦 她总是把东起来不让我找到)

14. So, Ariadne went to Daedalus, the architect of the labyrinth, and begged his help. (翻译:因此,阿里阿德涅去代达罗斯,迷宫的建筑师, 乞求他的帮助。)

15. I zigzagged down a labyrinth of alleys. (翻译:我在如迷宫般的小巷里拐来拐去。)


