plant trees是什么意思 plant trees的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-20 12:47:17疾风魔影

plant trees通常被翻译为"栽树"意思,其次还有"栽树"意思,发音音标为[planttrees],plant trees来源于英语,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到17个与plant trees相关句子。

1. it encoaged landowners to plant belts of trees to slow the force of the wind and stop esion.

2. in the whisper of the trees

plant trees是什么意思 plant trees的中文翻译、读音、例句

翻译: In the whisper of the trees。

3. And fruits gws on trees, ght? We can go plant it ght now!

4. Plant is real, but not trees.

5. No, it's a majuana plant.

6. i ted to find somewhere safe to land, but it was all trees.

7. in Genesis, there are o trees in the Garden of Eden.

翻译:there are o trees in the Garden of Eden.。

8. Plant trees yesterday, fell them today.

9. So they popped the kid, planted the piece.

10. At night they come to plant trees and take back the mountain.

11. Bee Gees - First Of May ♪ When i was all, and Chstmas trees were tall,

翻译:♪ When I was all, and Chstmas trees were tall。

12. Plant some trees or a garden or something.

13. ♪ Move a rubber tree plant 'cse he's got ♪

翻译:Move a rubber tree plant 'cse he's got。

14. The woods are just trees The trees are just wood

翻译: 森林就是很多树而已 很多树就是森林了 The woods are just trees The trees are just wood。

15. What type of plant is that?
