scaffold是什么意思 scaffold的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-20 22:14:12


scaffold是什么意思 scaffold的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 建筑搭架:scaffold通常指的是建筑工人在建筑物外部或内部的搭建脚手架或支架,以便进行建筑、维修或清洁工作等。

- The workers erected a scaffold around the building to enable them to carry out the restoration work. (工人们在建筑物周围搭建了脚手架,以便进行修复工作。)

- The painters used scaffold to reach the high walls and ceilings. (画家们使用脚手架来到达高墙和天花板。)

2. 生物学实验:在生物学中,scaffold通常是指支持或搭建生物组织的框架材料或结构。

- The scaffold was used to support the growth of the cells in the experiment. (在实验中,脚手架被用来支持细胞的生长。)

- Researchers created a scaffold to help repair damaged tissue in the human body. (研究人员创建了一个脚手架来帮助修复人体中的受损组织。)

3. 指导性结构:在教育或培训中,scaffold可以指导性训练或辅助组织知识体系的结构。

- The teacher provided scaffolded instruction for the students to learn new vocabulary. (老师提供了支持式教学来帮助学生学习新词汇。)

- The training program included a scaffolded approach to develop the employees' skills. (培训计划采用了一种支持式方法来培养员工的技能。)



- The scaffold outside the building was impressive, stretching up to the top floors. (建筑物外的脚手架很惊人,一直延伸到顶层。)

- Researchers used a scaffold made of nanofibers to repair damaged nerves in mice. (研究人员使用由纳米纤维制成的支架来修复小鼠的受损神经。)

- The teacher provided scaffolded activities to ist the students' learning of grammar rules. (老师提供支持式活动来帮助学生学习语法规则。)

- The scaffold collapsed during a storm, causing significant damage to the building. (脚手架在风暴中倒塌,造成建筑物的重大损害。)

- The company provided a scaffold for the employees to develop their leadership skills. (公司为员工提供支架,以培养他们的领导能力。)

scaffold的中文翻译为"脚手架、支架",读音为 ['skfld]。


1. Workers were standing on the scaffold to repair the roof of the building.(工人们正站在脚手架上修缮建筑物的屋顶。)

2. The scaffold was erected for the construction of the new bridge.(这个支架是为新桥的建造而搭建的。)

3. The workers had to climb up the scaffold to reach the top of the building.(工人们必须爬上脚手架才能到达建筑物的顶部。)




例句:You now have your fully seeded scaffold. (现在你就有一个内外都植入细胞的基底材料。)


例句:We then grow the cells outside the body, take the scaffold, coat the scaffold with the cells -- the patient's own cells, two different cell types. (然后进行体外细胞培养, 在拿个模子,涂上细胞—— 病人自己的两种细胞, )


例句:For that, they would have him butchered on the scaffold. (they would have him butchered on the scaffold.)


例句:The men on the scaffold turned about and drank to our healths. (翻译:脚手架上的工人也转过身来为我们的健康干杯。)


scaffold一般作为名词、动词使用,如在flying scaffold(悬空脚手架)、framing scaffold(脚手架)、gabbart scaffold(方木手架)等常见短语中出现较多。

flying scaffold悬空脚手架
framing scaffold脚手架
gabbart scaffold方木手架
hanging scaffold吊盘,悬空脚手架
independentpole scaffold双排脚手架
inner scaffold室内脚手架
inside scaffold室内脚手架
iron scaffold属脚手架
jenny scaffold活动脚手架


1. For that, they would have him butchered on the scaffold. (翻译:they would have him butchered on the scaffold.)

2. The men on the scaffold turned about and drank to our healths. (翻译:脚手架上的工人也转过身来为我们的健康干杯。)

3. Rails ships with a "scaffold" generator that will generate a basic set of CRUD pages for a given model. (翻译:Rail提供了一个“scaffold”生成器,它可以为某个给定模型生成一组基本的CRUD页面。)

4. When we did the first clinical trial for these patients we actually created the scaffold specifically for each patient. (翻译:我们对病人进行第一次临床试验 我们为每个病人制造特殊的智能材料。)

5. How much did they charge for the scaffold? (翻译:那个断头台他们要价多少? How much did they charge for the scaffold?)

6. Cells could be observed on every scaffold by SEM, but cells on the modified nHAC grew obviously better than that on the unmodified nHAC. (翻译:电镜观察发现两组材料上均有细胞生长,但实验组的细胞生长状况明显好于对照组。)

7. The traditional tissue-engineering paradigm combines isolated cells with appropriate bioactive agents in a biomaterial scaffold. (翻译:传统的组织工程的模式是使孤立的细胞在生物材料支架中与适当的生物活性因子相结合。)

8. We take the scaffold, we seed it with cells, and you can now see here, the valve leaflets opening and closing. (翻译:我们有智能材料,我们植入细胞, 你看,这些瓣膜小叶正一开一合。)

9. Are scaffold components and planking in safe condition for use and is plank rated for scaffolds intended use? (翻译:脚手架组件和铺板处于安全的使用条件吗?脚手架铺板的额定负荷符合脚手架的拟定用途吗?)

10. PLGA-MS may be used in UI tissue engineering as an injectable cell scaffold. (翻译:PLGA微球作为可注射的细胞支架可用于尿失禁的组织工程。)

11. But actually, before placing the scaffold into the patient, we actually exercise it. (翻译:事实上,在我们把这块支架放在病人身体里之前, 我们要锻炼它。)

12. When we did the first clinical trial for these patients we actually created the scaffold specifically for each patient. (翻译:我们对病人进行第一次临床试验 我们为每个病人制造特殊的智能材料。)

13. We take the scaffold, we seed it with cells, and you can now see here, the valve leaflets opening and closing. (翻译:我们有智能材料,我们植入细胞, 你看,这些瓣膜小叶正一开一合。)

14. The scaffold, meanwhile, supports the growth of new axons up and down the spinal cord. (翻译:这种纳米纤维结构同时还能支持新的轴突沿着脊髓上下的生长。)

15. Two days later, they coat the inside of the scaffold with urothelial cells. (翻译:两天后,他们把泌尿细胞涂在支架里面。)


