in charge是什么意思 in charge的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-21 15:59:11尐懒猫お

" In charge "是一个常用的英语单词和缩写词。 它通常用于描述一个人或团体在控制,管理或监督某些事物方面的职责和权限。以下是关于“in charge”的三个方面的详细说明。


in charge是什么意思 in charge的中文翻译、读音、例句

"in charge"通常用于指某人在管理/监督某些事物方面拥有职责和权限。 这可以是工作,项目,部门或任何其他组织中的职务。 某些管理性质的例句如下:

- The manager is in charge of the team's performance this season.


- Who is in charge of the new product launch?


- The director is in charge of the entire department.



"in charge"也可以用于描述某人负责制定和安排一些事情的职责和权限。 这可以是一项任务,一次活动或其他组织活动。 以下是一些需要安排的例子:

- Who is in charge of organizing the school trip?


- I'm in charge of the seating arrangements for the wedding.


- The event coordinator is in charge of all the logistics for the conference.


3. 监督职责

'in charge'还可以指某人在监督某些事物方面拥有职责和权限。 这可以是一个员工的工作进度,一个组织的运作或其他项目。 某些监督性质的例句如下:

- The supervisor is in charge of ensuring that all employees are following safety procedures.


- Who is in charge of sure the project is completed on time?


- The QA manager is in charge of reviewing all product specifications.



- The team leader is in charge of organizing team building activities.


- The head chef is in charge of the kitchen staff during service.


- The prinl is in charge of the entire school district.


- Who is in charge of managing the company's social media accounts?


- The project manager is in charge of ensuring the project's budget is not exceeded.



读音:/n trd/


1. Sarah is in charge of the project, so any questions about it should be directed to her. (萨拉负责这个项目,任何关于这个项目的问题都应该向她提问。)

2. He was put in charge of the company's finances after the previous CFO resigned. (前任CFO辞职后,他被任命为公司财务负责人。)

3. The manager is in charge of hiring and training new employees. (经理负责招聘和培训新雇员。)

in charge在英语中代表"看管、在"的意思,其中文解释还有"部门等的"的意思,在线读音是[incharge],in charge是一个英语名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到54个与in charge相关的句子。

In charge的释义


例句:- And she left you in charge? (- 她让你管理这 -是啊 - And she left you in charge?)


例句:Yeah, and you get this place free of charge, cos, look. (Yeah, and you get this place free of charge, cos, look...)


例句:You know, I always charge more for outcalls. (I always charge more for outcalls.)


例句:Why not put May in charge? (翻译:为什么不让梅接管呢? Why not put May in charge?)


in charge一般作为名词使用,如在in charge of(负责..., 管理..., 主管..., 掌管..., 看管..., 在...掌管/看管之下)、no charge(免收费用)、on charge of(被指控)等常见短语中出现较多。

in charge of负责..., 管理..., 主管..., 掌管..., 看管..., 在...掌管/看管之下
no charge免收费用
on charge of被指控
dilution of charge减药
diode charge[网络] 二极管整流充电
direct charge直接费用
directional charge定向药包
editor in charge责任编辑
donor charge施主电荷


1. You know, I always charge more for outcalls. (翻译:I always charge more for outcalls.)

2. Why not put May in charge? (翻译:为什么不让梅接管呢? Why not put May in charge?)

3. Oh, actually, this office is in charge (翻译:哦 实际上 这个部门负责调查 Oh, actually, this office is in charge)

4. How much did they charge for the scaffold? (翻译:那个断头台他们要价多少? How much did they charge for the scaffold?)

5. - God, if you publish, they will charge you. (翻译:- Kills the story. - God, if you publish, they will charge you.)

6. - When we were kids you were always in charge. (翻译:- [Laughing] - When we were kids you were always in charge.)

7. And if I had been the man in charge... (翻译:如果我是做决定的人... And if I had been the man in charge...)

8. You want me to take charge? Fine. (翻译:你要我掌控你吗 可以啊 You want me to take charge?)

9. Can I be in charge of pricing? (翻译:我可以负责定价吗? Can I be in charge of pricing?)

10. Special Agent in Charge Bill Wheeler. (翻译:给我们说说最新进展 Special Agent in charge Bill Wheeler.)

11. - Call the person in charge (翻译:- 叫下负责人 - 请回家。- Call the person in charge)

12. She is my charge, so avert your gaze. (翻译:她是我的 所以别盯着看 She is my charge, so avert your gaze.)

13. The charge will be three shillings and sixpence. (翻译:话费三先令六便士 The charge will be three shillings and sixpence.)

14. You are in charge of the other half. (翻译:你负责看好另外一半的孩子 You are in charge of the other half.)

15. Okay, I want to speak to someone in charge. (翻译:好吧 我想和管事的人说话 Okay, I want to speak to someone in charge.)
