nuts是什么意思 nuts的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-21 20:17:12你给的痛

1. 词的意思:'nuts'一词通常表示坚果(如花生、核桃等),但在美国英语中常用作名词和形容词,意思可以是“疯狂的”;“烦人的”;“讨厌的”。

2. 词性:名词和形容词。

nuts是什么意思 nuts的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 常用场景:'nuts'在口语中比较常见,可以用于形容某个人、事物或情况。例如,“I'm going nuts waiting for the results!”(等结果让我快疯了!)

4. 词组搭配:

- Go nuts: 等待的时候感到焦虑或担忧

- Drive someone nuts: 让某人疯狂或发疯

- Nuts about: 非常喜欢或沉迷于某事物

5. 相关短语:

- Nuts and bolts: 基本的或实质性的东西

- Nuts to: 对某人或某事表示不屑或无所谓

6. 发音拼写:/nts/




1. I like eating nuts, especially cashews and almonds.(我喜欢吃坚果,尤其是腰果和杏仁。)

2. He went nuts when he found out that he missed the last train.(当他发现错过了最后一班火车时,他疯了。)

3. This party is going to be nuts!(这个聚会会很疯狂!)




例句:Completely nuts but a nice nuts. (他是个彻头彻尾的 不过是个善良的)


例句:That noise is driving me nuts! (那噪音吵得我要疯了。)


例句:What on earth's going on here? (夹碎坚果用的 {\3cH202020}To crack your nuts.)


例句:Kernland imposes a high tariff on the export of unprocessed cashew nuts in order to ensure that the nuts are sold to domestic processing plants. (翻译:克兰对出口未经加工的腰果征收高额关税,以确保腰果销往国内加工厂。)


nuts一般作为名词使用,如在for nuts([英国口语](前常与 can’t 连用)一点也,根本)、not for nuts(一点也不)、nuts on(专心于,热心于;迷恋着,狂热于;擅长于)等常见短语中出现较多。

for nuts[英国口语](前常与 can’t 连用)一点也,根本
not for nuts一点也不
nuts on专心于,热心于;迷恋着,狂热于;擅长于
The Nuts[网络] 坚果山;雱涭笭
dika nuts[网络] dika坚果\n(dika nut 的复数)
drove nuts把某人逼疯
double nuts螺帽
edible nuts[网络] 食用坚果;螺丝螺母
do the nuts[英国俚语]心烦意乱;发狂;大发雷霆


1. What on earth's going on here? (翻译:夹碎坚果用的 {\3cH202020}To crack your nuts.)

2. Kernland imposes a high tariff on the export of unprocessed cashew nuts in order to ensure that the nuts are sold to domestic processing plants. (翻译:克兰对出口未经加工的腰果征收高额关税,以确保腰果销往国内加工厂。)

3. Lisa: That haole is nuts. (翻译:莉莎:那个白人超怪的。)

4. Our company mainly produces various types of hex nuts, including GB, DIN, IFI and other standard nuts and other kinds nuts. (翻译:公司主要生产加工各种规格型号的六角螺母,包括国标,德标,美标等标准螺母及其它各种非标螺母。)

5. I know, I know. The red tape will drive you nuts. (翻译:i know the red tape will drive you nuts.)

6. I gotta find her fast, before numb nuts does. (翻译:得快点找到她 以免那个先下手了 I gotta find her fast, before numb nuts does.)

7. “ You're nuts ,” Evey said . (翻译:“你是个疯子。”埃维说。)

8. - Are you nuts? Amphitryon. (翻译:马哈茂德阿巴斯 现任巴勒斯坦民族权力机构 -阿巴斯 -你疯了吗)

9. - God, it's driving me nuts. (翻译:~天! 快把我逼疯了 ~这令人无法忍受的生活!)

10. In France, praline is also made with hazel nuts or a mixture of hazel nuts and almonds. (翻译:在法国,有时也用榛仁或是把榛仁和杏仁混起来制作果仁糖。)

11. Do you think I might go nuts? (翻译:Do you think I might go nuts? 你想我可能会抓狂吗?)

12. Nuts: Walnuts, Chestnuts, acorns. (翻译:坚果类:胡桃、栗子、橡树子。)

13. Tree nuts, such as walnuts and pecans. (翻译:树坚果,如核桃和胡桃。)

14. They eat mainly fruit and nuts. (翻译:他们主要吃水果和坚果。)

15. Most people feed parrots on nuts. (翻译:多数人用干果喂鹦鹉。)


