punctuality是什么意思 punctuality的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-22 07:11:10乳此胸险


punctuality是什么意思 punctuality的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. punctuality is the soul of business:准时是商业的灵魂。

2. punctuality is the politeness of kings:守时是君王的礼仪。

3. be punctual for appointments:准时赴约。

4. punctuality pays in the long run:长远来看,守时是值得的。

5. punctuality should be a habit:守时应当成为一种习惯。


1. on time:准时。

2. in time:及时。

3. ahead of time:提前。

4. behind schedule:拖延。

5. time management:时间管理。

发音拼写: /pktulti/

punctuality [pk(t)ulti]



1. Punctuality is important for meetings and appointments.


2. His punctuality is admirable.


3. The train runs with great punctuality.





例句:If I'm gonna be a friend in your time of need, Then you need to work on your punctuality. (如果你想让我在你需要时出现 那你就得努力做到守时)


例句:The nightmares appeared to him with celestial punctuality every single night he spent in the squadron . (他睡在中队里的每个晚上,恶梦总象日月星辰运转那样准时地找上他来。)


例句:She lays great stress on punctuality. (她十分注重守时。)


例句:Well, I knew there was a reason why you were lead counsel, and it's got nothing to do with your punctuality. (翻译:好吧, 我知道你做首席辩护律师总是有原因的, 但这和你的守时没关系.)


1. She lays great stress on punctuality. (翻译:她十分注重守时。)

2. Well, I knew there was a reason why you were lead counsel, and it's got nothing to do with your punctuality. (翻译:好吧, 我知道你做首席辩护律师总是有原因的, 但这和你的守时没关系.)

3. Bessie would rather have stayed, but she was obliged to go, because punctuality at meals was rigidly enforced at Gateshead Hall. (翻译:贝茜本想留着,但又不得不走,准时吃饭是盖茨黑德府的一条成规。)

4. Punctuality means nothing to me. It's a virtue for the mediocre. (翻译:准时对我来说并不重要 普通人才把那个当成是美德)

5. I cannot begin to count the occasions on which her ladyship has impressed upon me the importance of punctuality... (翻译:我数不清 夫人跟我郑重说了多少次 我身为牧师 守时是极为重要的)

6. If there's one thing I like about the Prussians, it's their punctuality. (翻译:如果说普鲁士人身上有什么我喜欢的 就是他们的准时)

7. He's becoming more and more obsessive about punctuality. (翻译:他对守时要求越来越过分了。)

8. Naturally, not everyone among them is, but these peoples do seem to share a penchant for orderliness and punctuality. (翻译:当然,他们之中不是每个人都这样,但秩序和守时却似乎是这两个民族的共同爱好。)

9. Don't bother staying. In our profession, punctuality is not an option. (翻译:不要再站这打扰我们了,在我们的职业操守里 守时不是一个选择题)

10. Lucky for you, I like punctuality. (翻译:来的真是时候 算你走运 还是喜欢按规矩办事)

11. The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality. (翻译:多斯拉克人向来不准时. The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality.)

12. In this sort of situation it's tempting to try to get your friend to shift to the punctuality equilibrium. (翻译:在这种情况下,试图让你朋友转向准时的均衡状态,似乎是有吸引力的。)

13. I see your daughter does not follow our traditions of respect for elders and punctuality. (翻译:我看您女儿并不按 我们的传统尊敬长辈 - 也不守时)

14. I hear you don't like my stuffed animals, my driving or my punctuality. (翻译:我听说你对我的毛绒小动物 开车技术 还有守时问题有意见)

15. Besides being on the up-and-up, punctuality is always something he prides himself in. (翻译:他除了自已光明磊落,真诚可靠外,还常以遵守时刻,引以自傲。)


