流通用英语怎么说 流通的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-22 13:05:26北城

流通英语翻译是" circulation; distbution",还可以翻译为circulate,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到62个与流通相关释义和例句。

16. circulation; distbution

流通翻译为 circulation; distbution。

流通用英语怎么说 流通的英语翻译

The company ran into cash-flow pblems and faced liquidation.

economic circulation ( 经济流通 )

the costs of circulation circulation costs costs of circulation expense of circulation ( 流通费用 )

to boost distbution of goods ( 搞活流通 )

financial integration ( 金融大流通 )

the grain circulation grain distbution food circulation grains circulation s( 粮食流通体制 )

16. And the money is in unexchangeable denominations.

16. Old power is held like a crency.

16. To realise the value of their non-tradeable "state shares" , state-owned enterpses needed to render them tradeable.


16. Only $14.60 per capita remained in circulation.

16. The media wants to be liquid.

16. i'm gonna go for a swim, get the blood flowing.

16. He then ran electcity thugh it...

16. it's shut off fm the world. But air flows freely.

16. it's official, it's all over

16. Air is missing here. i can?

16. . ..so the blood drains out

16. These coins are no longer in circulation .

16. Estonia, the eu value of cash flow for the first time exceeded the total cash flow SEK.


16. The media wants to be liquid.

16. And thugh the cash flow, they contl us.
