vhs是什么意思 vhs的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-22 17:20:11绿邮枝

词义:VHS是VCR Home System的缩写,是一种过时的家用录像带格式。

vhs是什么意思 vhs的中文翻译、读音、例句






1. Do you still have any VHS tapes? I want to watch an old movie on my VCR.(你还有VHS录像带吗?我想在我的录像机上看一部旧电影。)

2. The video rental store only offers DVDs and Blu-ray disc, they don't have any VHS tapes.(这家影视租赁店只提供DVD和蓝光光盘,他们没有任何VHS录像带。)

3. VHS was once the most popular video format in the world, but it has been replaced by digital media.(VHS曾经是全球最流行的视频格式,但现在已被数字媒体所取代。)

4. He spent a whole afternoon searching for his old VHS player, but he couldn't find it.(他花了一个下午寻找他的旧VHS播放机,但是他找不到它。)

5. The movie was released in the 1980s and only available on VHS until it was digitally remastered.(这部电影是在xx年代发行的,直到数字重制前只有VHS版本可用。)

vhs是指一种录像带格式,全称为Video Home System。这种录像带格式曾经是普及的家庭媒体,但现已被数字格式取代。


读音:['vi: et es]



VHS refers to a type of videotape format, the full name is Video Home System. This videotape format used to be a popular home entertainment media but has now been replaced by digital formats.

Chinese translation: VHS videotape

Pronunciation: ['vi: et es]

Example sentence: There used to be a bunch of VHS tapes in our house, but they all got phased out.




例句:When I was growing up in Kishinev, we had no VHS, no DVD back then. (小时候在基希涅夫的时候 那时我们没有录影带 没有DVD)


例句:So there are 57 million VCRs in Nigeria that play, you know, VHS and these VCDs. (尼日利亚有五千七百万录像机 可以播放录影带和光碟 )


例句:20 compact discs or 12 VHS tapes. (20张CD 20 compact discs 或12盘录像带入境 or 12 VHS tapes..)


例句:The way we do the dial-up modem, the VHS tape, or... or Leonard's gym membership. (翻译:就像怀念拨号调制解调器 家用录像带 还有Leonard的健身会员卡)


vhs一般作为名词使用,如在S VHS([网络] 端子输入)、super vhs(超 VHS)、uk vhs([网络] 英国)等常见短语中出现较多。

S VHS[网络] 端子输入
super vhs超 VHS
uk vhs[网络] 英国
VHS player[网络] 录影机
VHS duplication VTR高速复制录像机


1. 20 compact discs or 12 VHS tapes. (翻译:20张CD 20 compact discs 或12盘录像带入境 or 12 VHS tapes..)

2. The way we do the dial-up modem, the VHS tape, or... or Leonard's gym membership. (翻译:就像怀念拨号调制解调器 家用录像带 还有Leonard的健身会员卡)

3. To procure this bootleg vhs copy from japan. Kono: (翻译:从日本买到了这电影的盗版录像带 to procure this bootleg VHS copy from Japan.)

4. The only things that are on their way to Goodwill are a laundry basket, a planter, and a box set of VHS tapes. (翻译:唯一占地方的是一个洗衣筐、一个花盆和一套家用录像器材。)

5. Wild Thing is not available on DVD, but can be found on used VHS. (翻译:野生的事情是无法使用的DVD,但可以在使用录像带。)

6. Whether storytellers realized it or not, they were channeling Meggendorfer's spirit when they moved opera to vaudville, radio news to radio theater, film to film in motion to film in sound, color, 3D, on VHS and on DVD. (翻译:不管讲故事的人是否意识到 当他们 从歌剧到杂技 从电台新闻到电台剧院 从影像到电影 到有声电影,彩和3D电影 从家用录像到DVD 他们都是在传承梅根多尔弗尔的精神)

7. Argentinian fashion designer Lucrecia Lovera poseswith a reel of videotape and a bag made from recycled VHS videotape, for herlabel "retape" in her studio in Berlin, on January 27, 2011. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日,德国柏林,阿根廷籍时装设计师卢克雷西亚洛维拉正在展示一卷录像带和由回收磁带制作而成的包,她还为此创立了一个商标,名叫“Retape”。)

8. As DVD players became more prevalent, and the number of discs for rent increased, the market tipped and DVDs came to dominate VHS. (翻译:当DVD播放器开始流行,供出租的DVD盘也开始多了,这样市场就变了,DVD替代了VHS。)

9. You know what's also great is that you can order that movie and all of Larry's other movies on VHS. (翻译:你还可以多租本杰明拍的电影看,他有很多电影以VHS发行)

10. Isn't that wild? I mean, talk about primordial technology! (翻译:但是因为开发公司不同 产生了 Beta 与 VHS 两种标准)

11. Not only did it play an important role in the HD-DVD vs Blue-ray war, but it helped secure the victory of VHS over Betamax. (翻译:它不仅在HD-DVD对蓝光的格式战争中扮演重要角色,它还帮助VHS打败了Betamax。)

12. So there are 57 million VCRs in Nigeria that play, you know, VHS and these VCDs. (翻译:尼日利亚有五千七百万录像机 可以播放录影带和光碟)

13. This is all they were able to retrieve from the VHS tape? (翻译:这是他们能够从VHS磁带验出的所有东西吗?)

14. I had the same feeling when I made my dad buy a Betamax instead of a VHS. (翻译:我以前让我爸去买Betamax 而不是VHS的时候也是这种感觉)

15. TV and VHS brought sports and drama into our living rooms. (翻译:电视和家用录像系统把体育 和戏剧带进了我们的客厅。)
