theroom是什么意思 theroom的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-24 01:04:09咗鞋佑瑏

'theroom' 不是一个合法的单词,可能是由于单词之间没有空格或破折号,或者是拼写错误造成的。因此,无法对其进行详细的词义、词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面的介绍。以下是一些可能相关的翻译例句:

1. Can you specify which room you are referring to? 你能具体说明是哪个房间吗?

theroom是什么意思 theroom的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. The conference room is already booked for the morning. 会议室早上已经被预定了。

3. The hotel room had a beautiful view of the sea. 酒店房间可以欣赏到美丽的海景。

4. She left the room in a hurry, forgetting her phone behind. 她匆忙离间,忘了带走手机。

5. The living room is where we spend most of our time as a family. 客厅是我们全家最常呆的地方。

6. The storage room is where we keep all our old belongings. 储藏室是我们存放所有旧物品的地方。

7. The dressing room was filled with designer clothes and accessories. 室里摆满了设计师的衣服和配饰。


读音:[ rum]


1. The room is filled with books and papers. (房间里堆满了书和纸。)

2. He locked himself in the room and refused to come out. (他锁在房间里不肯出来。)

3. The room was dark and gloomy. (房间里阴暗潮湿。)




例句:- How did you come to be in her room? (- How did you come to be in her room?)


例句:And all the noise is silenced in the room (And all the noise is silenced in the room)


例句:Yes, there are two in every room. (there are two in every room.)


1. Yes, there are two in every room. (翻译:there are two in every room.)

2. "ALL AROUND ME, THERE WAS ROOM, (翻译:All around me there was room,)

3. Now, this is the most important room in the entire factory. (翻译:this is the most important room in the entire factory.)

4. Uh, hi. I think this is our room. (翻译:I think this is our room.)

5. Hey, they got a lot of room up there. Get in the car. (翻译:Hey they got a lot of room up there Get in the car)

6. Cubby Wubby Womb Room tea... (翻译:Cubby Wubby Womb Room tea...)

7. Would you move to the back of the room, please? (翻译:Would you move to the back of the room, please?)

8. But, can we get the elephant out of the room? (翻译:can we get the elephant out of the room?)

9. ♪ Sitting in the back of the room ♪ (翻译:♪ Sitting in the back of the room ♪)

10. Lived out of tins in his room. (翻译:Lived out of tins in his room.)

11. There is no room for error here. (翻译:There is no room for error here.)

12. What are you doing in my room? (翻译:我... What are you doing in my room?)

13. What are they gonna do to her there? (翻译:Juicing Room? What are they gonna do to her there?)

14. It was hanging in the living room. (翻译:它被挂在客厅 It was hanging in the living room.)

15. Did I leave something else at your place? (翻译:I was wondering if there might be room)
