handout是什么意思 handout的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-24 17:29:09微博控

handout是什么意思 handout的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'handout'通常指的是老师在课堂上分发的印刷资料或手册,用于引导学生理解并掌握课堂内容。

2. 功能:'handout'能够帮助学生更好地理解课堂内容,提供必要的参考材料和概念解释,缩短课程学习时间。

3. 特点:'handout'与教科书不同,它通常是教师自己编写的材料,有时会包含一些额外的答案和解释,帮助学生更好地理解课堂知识。

4. 格式:'handout'可以采用各种形式,包括文本、图片、图表、图画等,以满足不同学生的学习需求。

5. 使用方法:'handout'应该在课堂上得到充分的引导和解释,学生需要理解如何使用它以及如何将其与其他学习资料结合使用。


1. The teacher handed out a handout on grammar rules before the exam. (老师在考试前发了一份语法规则的手册。)

2. I found the handout to be very informative and helpful in understanding the lecture. (我发现手册提供了很多信息,帮助我理解讲座。)

3. The handout included a list of vocabulary words and their definitions. (手册包括一个词汇表和它们的定义。)

4. After cl, the teacher asked us to review the handout and complete the exercises. (下课后,老师要求我们复习手册并完成练习。)

5. Some students prefer to take digital handouts instead of printed ones. (有些学生喜欢用数字手册而不是印刷手册。)

【翻译】n. 分发物,宣传资料



1. The teacher prepared handouts for the students to review before the exam.(老师准备了复习手册供学生在考试前复习。)

2. The company produced a handout outlining their new product line.(公司制作了一份宣传资料,概述了他们的新产品线。)

3. The organizers handed out free handouts to promote the event.(组织者免费分发宣传资料以宣传活动。)




例句:Still, some residents say the cash handout is preferable to the money going into a retirement fund. (但部分居民说,相比这笔钱进入退休基金,派发现金还是更好。)


例句:News of the handout came in an internal memo that first appeared on Valleywag, a blog, and was later confirmed by the company. (上述消息来自于一份公司内部备忘录,它最先出现在博客Valleywag上,随后得到谷歌的证实。)


例句:If your professor deigns to answer-or send you the handout or reference that you asked for-be sure to tell him or her that you got it. (必须要告知教授已收到邮件。如果你的教授屈尊给你回答或者发送你需要的资料,一定要告诉他你已经收到了。)


例句:But the size of each state's handout would be tied not to runaway medical inflation, but to the much more sedate general price index. (翻译:但各州发放补助的大小并不与失控的医疗通胀挂钩,而是与更加稳定的基本物价水平挂钩。)


1. If your professor deigns to answer-or send you the handout or reference that you asked for-be sure to tell him or her that you got it. (翻译:必须要告知教授已收到邮件。如果你的教授屈尊给你回答或者发送你需要的资料,一定要告诉他你已经收到了。)

2. But the size of each state's handout would be tied not to runaway medical inflation, but to the much more sedate general price index. (翻译:但各州发放补助的大小并不与失控的医疗通胀挂钩,而是与更加稳定的基本物价水平挂钩。)

3. While some have argued a handout would be a way for China to increase its "soft power" abroad, Xie thinks such a move would backfire. (翻译:尽管一些争论说救助欧市能够增强中国在国际上的“软实力”,谢国忠却认为那样只会事与愿违。)

4. She, like so many of the women I see at A to Z, worked hard every day, understood what suffering was, had a deep faith in God, loved her children and would never have accepted a handout. (翻译:她很像我在A to Z见到的妇女们, 她每天勤恳工作,并且明白痛苦是怎样的, 也深刻地信仰者上帝,和深爱她的孩子, 以及从来不会接受施舍。)

5. Explaining the difference between each is beyond the scope of this handout and unnecessary to know in order to answer the questions. (翻译:解释两者之间的区别超出了本讲义的范围,而为了回答问题,是没有必要知道它们之间的区别的。)

6. The handout is on customer management. (翻译:我刚才发给大家的这份是 是针对顾客管理 和员工的言行举止方针的全部内容)

7. Hey, one of the 10 problems on your handout will be on the test. (翻译:你们讲义上十分之一的题目 会出现在卷子上)

8. Seem god of thunder Tong this kind of returns ability handout spirit of (翻译:好像雷公彤这种还能讲义气的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Seem god of thunder Tong this kind of returns ability handout spirit of)

9. Okay, we're looking for a white panel van. The plate number's on the handout. (翻译:我们要找的是一辆白色厢式货车 车牌号在发给你们的材料里写着)

10. Someone having a really hard time that needs help, but may be too proud to ask for a handout. (翻译:找一个已陷入困境的人 一个需要帮助却过于自尊 不愿乞求他人的人)

11. As an unashamed handout, the scheme has many critics. (翻译:作为一种不加掩饰的施舍,这一计划受到很多批评。)

12. Hope Road was always swarming with people, and for the same reason... looking for an opportunity, looking for some money, looking for a handout, need a job... (翻译:希望路总是挤满了人, 出于同样的原因... 寻找机会, 找的钱,)

13. They did not give out allowances, which they viewed as a parental version of a government handout. (翻译:他们不给孩子补贴。在他们看来,这是家长版的补助。)

14. You actually see this near the top of the handout, the allusion from the Faerie Queene. (翻译:事实们可以在讲义的顶部看到,《仙后》的暗喻。)

15. I have a handout, an article on pedodiversity in a section of forests near here. (翻译:我有一份讲义,一篇关于附近森林中土壤多样性的文章。)


