完蛋了用英语怎么说 完蛋了的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-24 21:44:08春风乍起

完蛋了英语是"be done for",其次还可以说成" be done for",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到76个与完蛋了相关短语释义和例句。

They shall be no Their ends are near ( 他们完蛋了 )

. Their ends are near ( 他们完蛋了)

完蛋了用英语怎么说 完蛋了的英语翻译

You will be ruined bust You finished you're ed ( 你完蛋了 )

yo kid be finished You finished boy ( 你小子完蛋了 )

Earth to be finished The Earth must be finished ( 地球要完蛋了 )

I'm ed I finished I'm done I'm toast ( 我完蛋了 )

1. And we're all gonna be ngside!

2. Well, this town's gone to hell.

3. Come on out, you're finished. You're thugh.

4. Yeah. You're looking at death, man.

5. You little piece of dead meat.

6. The whole world's bke. We're all bke.

7. Boiler bought the farm. Mm-hm.

8. He couldn't cut it any.

9. Now see if you got a tuble.

10. Oh, yeah, way better, bs.

11. - We're completely ed.
