plant extract是什么意思 plant extract的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-25 12:54:23春风乍起

plant extract是什么意思 plant extract的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:plant extract oil(植物提取油)、plant extract powder(植物提取粉)、plant extract essence(植物提取精华)、natural plant extract(天然植物提取物)、herbal plant extract(草本植物提取物)等。


发音拼写:[plnt kstrkt]


1. The skincare product contains natural plant extracts for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. 这种护肤品含有天然植物提取物,可以滋养和保湿皮肤。

2. The medicine is made from a plant extract and is effective in treating allergies. 这种药物由植物提取物制成,对治疗过敏症有效。

3. The food additive is derived from a plant extract and is used to enhance flavor. 这种食品添加剂是由植物提取物制成,用于增强风味。

4. The perfume is made using only natural plant extracts, without any synthetic fragrances. 这种香水是只用天然植物提取物制成的,没有任何合成香料。

5. The company specializes in producing high-quality plant extracts for use in cosmetics. 这家公司专门生产高质量的植物提取物,用于化妆品中。

6. The sham contains plant extracts that are known to strengthen and nourish hair. 这种洗发水含有众所周知的可以强化和滋养头发的植物提取物。

7. The herbal supplement is made from a blend of different plant extracts to promote overall health. 这种草本补品是由多种不同的植物提取物混合制成,有助于促进整体健康。


读音:[zh w t q w]


1. 这种化妆品中含有多种植物提取物,对皮肤有很好的保养作用。

2. 植物提取物可以用来制作药品、化妆品等各种产品。

3. 这款保健品使用全天然植物提取物,能够增强免疫力。

plant extract的中文解释是"植物浸出液",在英美地区还有"植物浸出液"的意思,在线读音是[plantextract],plant extract是一个英语名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到58个与plant extract相关的句子。

Plant extract的中文翻译


例句:His translation said there was an extract from the sunami plant... that helped make that poison. (他的记载里说从那种叫sunami的植物里可以提取 制作那种毒药的原料)


plant extract一般作为名词使用,如在extract(提取物)、in plant(在生长发育中)、plant on((把…)稳固地放在…之上; 使击中…; 栽赃给…)等常见短语中出现较多。

in plant在生长发育中
plant on(把…)稳固地放在…之上; 使击中…; 栽赃给…
plant with在…种植
the plant[网络] 植物;工厂;植物呢
to plant栽植
direct extract直接萃取物
dry extract[医] 干浸膏
dyewood extract木本植物染料萃取物


1. Result: Water extract and ethanol extract both had retentions on CMSP; (翻译:结果:水提液和醇提液在心肌细胞膜色谱柱上均有保留行为; )

2. Active ingredients: Plant extract, Amino acid, milk powder, carotinoid, lutein etc. (翻译:主要成分:植物提取物、氨基酸、类胡萝卜素、叶黄素、优质奶粉等。)

3. Ingredients: Rose Extract, Mulberry Extract, Arbutin, Shea Butter, NMF, etc. (翻译:成份:玫瑰精华萃取液,桑树提取液,熊果苷、乳木果油等。)

4. Wheatgerm Oil, Henna Extract, Honey Extract and Evening Primrose Oil (翻译:有效成分:小麦胚芽油、指甲花萃取精华、蜂蜜萃取精华、月见草油)

5. Ingredients: Lavender liquid extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Extract, Arbutin, Purified Water, etc. (翻译:成份:薰衣草精华萃取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液、熊果苷、精纯水等。)

6. Preferably, the antigenicity-reducing component is an extract of an Olea or a Ligustrum plant extracted with water or an organic solvent. (翻译:优选地,所述抗原性降低成分 是用水或从木犀榄属或女真属植物中提取的提取物。)

7. This plant may have been dead for 100 years. Yet its name suggests that all is not lost, for this is a resurrection plant. (翻译:它可能已经死去了xx年 {\3cH202020}This plant may have been dead for 100 years. 因为它是一株复活植物 {\3cH202020}for this is a resurrection plant.)

8. Can you water my bonsai plant? (翻译:你能给我的盆栽浇点水吗? Can you water my bonsai plant?)

9. What about the Plant Varietiesand Seeds Tribunal? (翻译:那么植物品种和种苗监察局? What about the Plant Varietiesand Seeds Tribunal?)

10. And plant gps tracking software so that we can find out (翻译:植入定位追踪软件 好查明 and plant GPS tracking software so that we can find out)

11. I plant one every chance I get. (翻译:有机会 我就种下一粒 I plant one every chance I get.)

12. The plant fruticose breynia juvenile extract from the stem. (翻译:从茎中提取的植物性果糖小花少年提取物。)

13. Ten gallons, which this machine is designed to extract. (翻译:这台机器就是设计来提取这十加仑的 Ten gallons, which this machine is designed to extract.)

14. Extract from the order of the day... (翻译:日程的摘录... Extract from the order of the day...)

15. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. (翻译:栽种有时 拔出所栽种的 也有时 A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted.)
