笑呵呵用英语怎么说 笑呵呵的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-26 09:08:07是梦终醒

笑呵呵英语有两种说法,可以翻译为cheerful and ,还可以翻译为 huo,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到48个与笑呵呵相关译文和例句。

笑呵呵用英语怎么说 笑呵呵的英语翻译

cackle to ar with lghter lgh loudly ( 呵呵大笑 )

1. i imagine you and Rijul iling and looking at each other with love and kindness.

译文:我想象着你和Rijul... ...笑呵呵 互相看着... ...那种感觉有爱 还有温存。

2. Now i understand why that dver was so happy to rrse.

3. He Xiaohe He places said: "The fends are a few years, and i do not know you? "

4. ♪ Yeah, huh, huh, huh, uh-huh... ♪

5. You're not the guy who makes those videos... where you act like an imbecile... against a badly painted scm, are you?

6. if you someone's wife or dghter

7. Yo bthers pvide quite well for all of us, and i need yo ile here.

译文:你两个就能养活我们了 我需要你笑呵呵地在这儿陪我。

8. "Not so easy is it? Heh heh heh."

9. We gonna order some om ?

10. i get a little cared away when people shoot.

11. What i like most of all about her is her optimi.

12. - You don't want it? - Haha

13. - Hehehe. i think i have a pblem.

14. Yet, she was still very good-nated

15. Huh. - Very much... retvirus.
