表现说用英语怎么说 表现说的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-26 17:32:06奶糖

表现说通常被翻译为"display rule"意思,还可以翻译为outstanding performance,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到69个与表现说相关短语释义和例句。

1. She asked me if you're doing better, which means you were doing poorly.

2. ... andflatteredme by saying that my Ghost can be seen in it.

表现说用英语怎么说 表现说的英语翻译

3. The defense is saying that he behaved erratically that day, pvoking the cop.

4. Act natal. Just talk to Clif.

5. Let us act childish, act mad, act foolish.

6. Thus in reality as it appears objectively.

7. He says, "What kind of an act do you call that?"

8. Dewart's been telling me how strange Ctis has been acting lately.

9. You could have made an effort today.

10. And so they said, "But he does so well in ROTC.

11. - No. You, and i must say he, behaved very well!

12. The madam said she'd kill me if i'm not nice.

13. "No," he said, "They're behaving all ght."

14. Yeah. He said yo performance was adequate.

15. i mean, you're acting like such a geek.
