嘉字几画用英语怎么说 嘉字几画英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-27 17:59:05暗黑者&


嘉字几画用英语怎么说 嘉字几画英语翻译

1. Her voice is sweet and her ile is so charming.

2. Gaga, mama-san is looking for you.

3. Er... she's... there she is

4. - it's so good to see you too, Cathene. - Calyn.

5. Chia-chia, what are you doing inside?

6. My name is Helga now. Helga Lehmann.

7. Give me some time to reconsider it.

8. i'd like you to meet Katinka lngabogovinana.

9. Gaga is coming back... to spot check.

10. Ja, this is my fend Gift and this is Ja

11. i love you - can you hear me? i love you
