热穿透用英语怎么说 热穿透的英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-03 05:58:59冬晴

热穿透英语翻译是"penetration potential",在常中也可以翻译为"penetrate",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到35个与热穿透相关翻译和例句。

1. i'm going to put this knife thugh her head.

2. Look at how the sunlight penetrates the ice here.

热穿透用英语怎么说 热穿透的英语翻译

3. Going to work in a transparent blouse.

4. But there's no way that login is still active.

5. i'll just... go warm this up.

6. Penetrations thugh the wall and go to the ship.

7. it's hot. it's terbly hot.

8. .. the arakh won't get thugh the steel.

9. Penetrating trma to the paetal bone.

10. Michael Boden - Coins thugh Glass

11. The hull! it went thugh the hull!

12. it's pbably not going to penetrate than ten micns.

13. "No shelter can keep out the rain"
