aqva是什么意思 aqva的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-03 11:41:00尘世美

'aqva' 不是单词,而是拉丁语中“水”的意思,其英文翻译为“water”。

aqva是什么意思 aqva的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. aqva pura:清水。

2. aqva vitae:生命之水。

3. aqua purificata:净化水。

4. aqua marina:海水。

5. aqua calida:热水。

6. aqua frigida:冷水。

7. aqua de rose:玫瑰水。


1. aqua regia:王水,可溶解金等贵金属。

2. aqua fortis:硝酸水,有很强的氧化作用。

3. aqua velutina:质地像水一样的物质。

4. aqua tofana:毒药。

5. aqua magna:大水,指洪水、水灾等现象。

6. aqua vitae:烈酒、白酒。

7. aqua mansa:安静的水,指湖泊、池塘等静水。



1. Drinking enough aqua every day is crucial for the body’s functioning.(每天喝足够的水对人体的正常运转至关重要。)

2. The aqua pura in this area is of high quality and safe to drink.(此地的清水质量很高,可以放心饮用。)

3. The company specializes in producing aqua vitae, which is known for its strong taste.(该公司专门生产烈酒,以其浓烈的味道而闻名。)

4. The aqua marina is so clear that you can see all the fish swimming inside.(海水非常清澈,可以看到游来游去的鱼儿。)

5. The aqua de rose can be used in beauty routines to reduce inflammation and redness.(玫瑰水可以用于美容护肤,可以减少炎症和红肿。)

6. The aqua fortis is a highly corrosive substance and should be handled with extreme care.(硝酸水是一种高度腐蚀性物质,应当极度小心处理。)

7. The aqua velutina has a texture similar to water and can easily be absorbed by the skin.(此物质的质地像水,可以很容易地被皮肤吸收。)

'aqva'是拉丁语中“水”的意思。读音为 [ak-wuh]。


1. The hotel's spa offers a variety of treatments that use products containing 'aqva'.


2. 'Aqva Pura' is a brand of bottled water that is famous for its purity.

'Aqva Pura' 是一种以纯净闻名的瓶装水品牌。
