are you serious是什么意思 are you serious的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-03 21:24:13空心木偶


"Are you serious?"可以被看作是一种表达惊讶、怀疑或者询问的口语表达方式。以下从四个方面为您详细展开说明:

are you serious是什么意思 are you serious的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思和用法

"Are you serious?" 单词或者缩写常常被用来表达怀疑或者惊讶的情绪。通常在听到一件惊人或者不寻常的事情时会使用这个表达方式。它也可以用于表示询问或者确认一些重要的事情或者信息。

2. 意群和例句

1) 惊讶意群:

A:I just won the lottery!

B:Are you serious?

2) 怀疑意群:

A:I heard that the earth is flat.

B:Are you serious? That's not true.

3) 询问意群:

A:I think I forgot my wallet at the office.

B:Are you serious? That's bad news.

4) 确认意群:

A:You need to arrive at the airport three hours before your flight.

B:Are you serious?

5) 表示警告的意群:

A:I'm planning to skip work tomorrow.

B:Are you serious? You might get in trouble.

3. 同义表达

"Are you kidding me?"是"Are you serious?"的常见同义表达。其他的表达方式还有"No way!"、"You're joking!"等。

4. 原因和用途

"Are you serious?"这个表达方式在口语中非常常见。它可以帮助说话者表达惊讶、怀疑和询问等情绪。在英语口语中,这个表达方式是非常实用的一种表达方式。

上述是对于"Are you serious?"这个单词或者缩写词的解释和说明。为了更好地理解,以下提供5个中英例句:

1. Are you serious? You won the lottery!


2. Are you serious? You want to quit your job and travel around the world?

你认真的吗?你想放弃工作去环游世界3. Are you serious? You forgot to make a reservation for the restaurant tonight?

你认真的吗?你忘记在今晚的餐厅预订座位了4. Are you serious? You never watched Star Wars before?

你认真的吗?你从来没有看过星球大战5. Are you serious? You don't know how to cook rice?



读音:/r ju sris/

例句:A: "I just won the lottery!"

B: "Are you serious? That's amazing!"


