尹明用英语怎么说 尹明的英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-04 11:19:58曼薇


尹明用英语怎么说 尹明的英语翻译

1. i have a question. Put him on!

2. She is Yoon Ji Sook! Yoon Ji Sook!

3. Was Dong-yoon in the same classes?

4. " Mr Yin said, " Lifang has gwn big simply we do a bit better than others in employing family members and competent employee.


5. Well, just, uh... Did Yoon Gae Hwa come by?

6. Welcome the Pnce of Temple Street, Mr Wan Kwong

7. india, come here and look.

8. Here comes the live sample

9. i threatened you that... you'd lose both... a dghter and a lieutenant.

10. 17 years a_er his death, Han Myeong-hwoe was accused of being related to the death of the birthmother ofKing Yeonsan.

译文:韩明浍在亡xx年后 因与燕山 君生母尹妃毙有关。

11. Why are you crying? STOP CRYiNG!
