夥颐用英语怎么说 夥颐的英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-04 17:01:57芷菱

伙颐英语翻译是"mentomeckelian bone",在常中也可以翻译为"lower cheek",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到30个与伙颐相关译文和例句。

1. Hwayi, i'm not se what you're thinking,

2. Why isn't Hwayi coming out?

夥颐用英语怎么说 夥颐的英语翻译

3. Just let Hwayi go, please...

4. i'm so suh, sorry... Hwayi.

5. This is the inspection diagram

6. Hwuh, Hwayi Whi, which way did you come?

7. Hey, geezer. You're the best, go for it!

8. Are you se Hwayi called the cops?

9. Jia drank the water but Xue did not.

10. Let's eat first, Hwayi's coming.

11. Hwayi... Hwayi's a good boy.

12. i... i'm really really sorry...

13. Bye, Hwayi! Thanks for the orange!
