momentous是什么意思 momentous的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-13 10:42:07陌上烟雨


momentous是什么意思 momentous的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:momentous event()、momentous decision(重大决策)、momentous occasion(重要场合)、momentous year(历史性的xx年)等。


发音拼写:[moh-men-tuh s]


1. The discovery of penicillin was a momentous turning point in the history of medicine. (发现青霉素是医学史上的重大转折点。)

2. The election results will have momentous implications for the future of the country. (选举结果将对该国未来产生重大影响。)

3. The signing of the peace agreement was a momentous achievement for the negotiators. (签署和平协议对谈判人员来说是一个重要的成就。)

4. The CEO's announcement of the company's new direction was a momentous occasion for the employees. (CEO宣布公司新方向是员工们非常重要的场合。)

5. The invention of the printing press was a momentous event in the history of human civilization. (印刷机的发明是人类文明史上的。)

6. The moon landing was a momentous achievement for the United States in the 20th century. (20世纪美国的登月是一个重大的成就。)

7. The page of the Civil Rights Act was a momentous step towards achieving racial equality in the United States. (通过《民权法案》是实现美国种族平等的重要一步。)




1. The momentous decision will shape the future of our company.


2. The end of World War II was a momentous event in world history.


3. The new law will have a momentous impact on society.





例句:In that year, two momentous discoveries were made. (那年有2项重大的新发现。)


例句:Great and momentous times are upon you and it will auger well for you to be 'in tune' with what is happening. (伟大而重要的时刻正降临于你们身上,你们会极好的适应以与正在发生的事协调一致。)


例句:Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our programs at this time to present a most momentous address, by Mr. David Windsor, former King Edward VIII of England. (女士们先生们 现在中断节目 播放一段重要讲话 讲话人是David Windsor先生 前英国国王爱德华八世)


1. Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our programs at this time to present a most momentous address, by Mr. David Windsor, former King Edward VIII of England. (翻译:女士们先生们 现在中断节目 播放一段重要讲话 讲话人是David Windsor先生 前英国国王爱德华八世)

2. We must approach this as any other momentous transition with caution and patience and determination not to let gains slip away over time. (翻译:我们必须用戒心、耐心和决心推动埃及的重大变革,不要让机会随着时间溜走。)

3. In particular, can it explain a momentous historical development that I spoke about five years ago here at TED? (翻译:尤其是,它可以解释 我大约xx年前在TED这里 讲过的一个重大的历史发展吗? )

4. They think of it as a momentous invention of humanity, kind of on a par with the Gutenberg press, for example. (翻译:他们认为互联网是重大的 人类发明, 可以与古腾堡印刷机相提并论。)

5. The majority of the planet, aspiring for development, having the right for development, are in large aspiring for an unsustainable lifestyle, a momentous pressure. (翻译:这星球的大多数国家 渴望发展,有权发展, 但这些国家大多在追求一种地球无法承受的生活方式, 这是一种巨大的压力。)

6. She would have been proud to see Kanchi putting the blue shawl to such good use on such a momentous day. (翻译:她要是看到凯蒂在这样一个重要的日子披上她给买的蓝披肩,一定会感到十分自豪。)

7. And the reason that this date was so momentous is that what my colleagues, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright, and I noticed as we began to debrief various Super Bowl parties, is that it seemed to us that across the United States, if you will, tribal councils had convened. (翻译:正是这个原因这个日子才如此重大 我的同事,约翰.金 和 海利,华特和我注意到 当我们开始调查一些超级碗团体时 我们发现似乎 贯穿全美 如果你愿意,部落委员会已经召集了)

8. As you all remember, this is a momentous occasion. (翻译:大家都记得吧 这是值得纪念的时刻 鼓掌!)

9. A momentous shift from rainy season to dry season is underway. (翻译:现在正值雨季过渡到 旱季的重大转换时期。)

10. And glad indeed to see if in your heart another lies bound one day to me amid your momentous CARES, pleasant to know that langsyne has its own place. (翻译:看到在你心中有一份对我的深切关怀的确令我开怀,明白到你对旧情的珍重令我喜悦。)

11. So what was wrong with that myth, and with all pre-scientific thinking, and what, then, made that momentous difference? (翻译:那么这则神话究竟错在哪儿呢? 科学到来前人们的思维有什么问题呢? 又是什么改变了这一切呢?)

12. Now, the fundamental idea is that Twitter lets people share moments of their lives whenever they want, be they momentous occasions or mundane ones. (翻译:Twitter的基本理念就是 让人们随时分享他们生活中的 任意时刻。不管是意义非凡的场合, 还是日常世俗的时候。)

13. To manage account receivable efficiency is of momentous significance on improving the competitive power and saleroom of market. (翻译:合理规划统筹应款对扩大市场的竞争力及销售力具有重要且不可取代的意义。)

14. The majority of the planet, aspiring for development, having the right for development, are in large aspiring for an unsustainable lifestyle, a momentous pressure. (翻译:这星球的大多数国家 渴望发展,有权发展, 但这些国家大多在追求一种地球无法承受的生活方式, 这是一种巨大的压力。)

15. I am 51 years old, like I told you, and mind-numbing acronyms notwithstanding, I just want to tell you if there has been a momentous time for humanity to exist, it is now, because the present you is brave. (翻译:我之前告诉你, 我今年xx岁, 而我却还在研究 那些荒谬的缩写含义, 我只是想告诉你, 如果人性真的有 那么一刻是存在的, 那么就是现在, 因为现在的你是勇敢的, )
