好样用英语怎么说 好样的英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-13 11:27:07春风乍起

好样用英语说" Good sample",还经常被译作 VVG,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到55个与好样相关翻译和例句。

好样用英语怎么说 好样的英语翻译

Wang Qiang as well the ( 王强好样 )

1. That's it, man. Nice hit. That's my man.

2. Yes! 629.1 00:53:20,560 -- 00:53:22,550 He has to go. He has to go.

3. Good work, Tner. Awesome.

4. Monsie a gae un be p'tit nounos... po la p'tite dame.

5. For me, the idea of seeing that kid's dead body was starting to become an obsession.

6. Bravo, young Lockwood, bravo!

7. - Here you go. - All ght!

8. Lieutenant Leak, he's a fine officer.

9. You're good, You're real good,

10. Well done. - Good job, man.

11. That's a good boy ght there!

12. - Yeah! - Keep him down! Come on!
