外部监督用英语怎么说 外部监督英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-13 15:08:07撕心


1. The new supentendent is here

外部监督用英语怎么说 外部监督英语翻译

2. And without any supervision,

3. — External manipulation? ! — What?

4. Ratting out her competition.

5. The monitor will supervise him one-on-one.

6. Dude, neighborhood watch! i'm neighborhood watch!

7. - You oversaw, sir- a job you oversaw.

8. i'll need Mr. Cahill... to supervise the linkup.

9. So we're still using an external power soce and external computation.

10. - She'll be under my supervision.

11. - And stand by, all ght?

12. External adjustments are detented.

13. No external seminal fluid present.

14. Outside? Both? - Just outside.
