popping是什么意思 popping的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-13 15:51:07花颜醉


1. 单词解释

popping是什么意思 popping的中文翻译、读音、例句


2. 缩写词解释


3. 多义词义


4. 常用短语

“Pop out”是一个常见的短语,指突然地出现或出现。例如,“My friend popped out of nowhere.”(我的朋友突然出现了)

5. 例句


- She's a great dancer and specializes in popping.

- The popcorn is popping in the microwave.

- The balloon popped and scared me.

- The singer's new al is really popping right now.

- The colorful flowers really pop against the green background.

英 [pp] 美 [pp]



1. The sound of popcorn popping in the microwave filled the room.


2. He showed off his popping dance moves at the party.





例句:Oh! My eyes are popping out. (My eyes are popping out.)


例句:She's been popping pills for months. (她大量服药已有几个月了。)


popping一般作为名词使用,如在popping in(偶尔来访;突然出现)、popping back(回火)、popping blasting([矿业] 二次爆破)等常见短语中出现较多。

popping in偶尔来访;突然出现
popping back回火
popping blasting[矿业] 二次爆破
popping bottles出现
popping offn. 溢放口\nv. 突然离去
popping outna. (火,把火)突然灭掉;突然伸出;〔俚语〕(突然)死掉\n[网络] 跳出来
popping plug(沿水面拖拉时能发出砰声的)捕鱼用的鱼饵,响饵[亦作 popper]
popping pressure安全阀起座压力
popping sound[医]爆音


1. The "click" of a lock popping open propelled me into a realm of sheer bliss. (翻译:后来就发展到未经邀请地去开别人家锁着的门 每当锁舌铛的一声跳开 我便陷入无限的欣喜之中)

2. Believe me, i had no interest in popping down here and into one of these smelly things. (翻译:I had no interest in popping down here)

3. The emperor introduced him to the eye - popping splendors of life in his two great palaces . (翻译:国王向他展示他的两座宫殿中堂皇富丽、令人眼花缭乱的奢华生活。)

4. That memory kept popping in my head. (翻译:我不知道为什么那段记忆 老是在我的脑海里)

5. The darn thing keeps popping out. (翻译:那个该死的东西总是掉出来. The darn thing keeps popping out.)

6. The teachers are as diverse as the student body, and the amazing thing is that volunteers are popping up. (翻译:教师们也是同样的多元化, 和学生一样. 激动人心的事是 志愿者不断的涌现出来. )

7. Okay, Linus, don't start popping the sparkling cider just yet. (翻译:好了 Linus 先别慌着开气泡苹果酒大肆庆祝)

8. And so they hire personal trainers; they're popping Cialis like breath mints. (翻译:于是他们请私人教练, 吃犀利士像吃口香糖。)

9. - The real question is, are my eyes popping more than your eyes? (翻译:- 更实际的问题是 我眼睛比你的更大了吗?)

10. The teachers are as diverse as the student body, and the amazing thing is that volunteers are popping up. (翻译:教师们也是同样的多元化, 和学生一样. 激动人心的事是 志愿者不断的涌现出来.)

11. If we could hear it, it would be popping like a bag of popcorn. (翻译:如果我们能够听到的话, 这就像在爆一袋爆米花一样。)

12. Eh, I like it, Siri, but it's not... it's not popping. (翻译:垛 尺舧ウ Siri ウぃ琌 ウぃ琌禴泊描)

13. A range of explanations may be popping into your mind by now, like "greed." (翻译:现在你脑中也许会蹦出 一堆的解释, 比如,贪婪。)

14. Like the same results popping up everywhere, independent of each other. (翻译:你知道,就像不同的的地方 会出现同样的结果)

15. Like, people popping in, feeding dogs? (翻译:凯文和小维可以来帮忙 {\3cH202020}Kev and V can still help around here.)


