forward to是什么意思 forward to的中文翻译、读音、例句

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forward to是什么意思 forward to的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义: "forward to"表示"将某事物传递给某人或某地",通常用于交流和传递信息、物品等。

2. 词性:动词短语。

3. 词组搭配:forward something to somebody(把某物转交给某人)、forward something to somewhere(把某物转交到某地)。

4. 短语:forward-looking(具有前瞻性的)、forward planning(前瞻性的规划)、forward slash(斜杠符号, / )。

5. 发音拼写:/frwrd tu/


1. Please forward this email to your colleagues.(请把这封邮件转发给你的同事。)

2. I will forward your message to the appropriate department.(我会把你的信息转发给适当的部门。)

3. Can you forward the package to my office instead of my home?(你能否把包裹转交到我的办公室而不是家里?)

4. The company has a forward-looking vision for the future.(公司具有对未来的前瞻性愿景。)

5. To find the website, type the URL followed by a forward slash and the page name.(要查找网站,请输入URL,后面加上斜杠和页面名称。)


读音:/fwrd tu/


1. Please forward this email to all members of the team. (请将此电子邮件转发给团队所有成员。)

2. I will forward your request to the appropriate department. (我将把您的请求转发给相关部门。)

3. Can you forward me the latest report? (你能转发给我最新的报告吗?)

forward to通常被翻译为"给、转寄给"的意思,还有邮送的意思,读音为[forwardto],forward to在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到85个与forward to相关的句子。

Forward to的词典翻译


例句:It reads the same forward and backward. (顺着读 反着读 都一样 It reads the same forward and backward.)


例句:"Looking forward to seeing you again soon." (期待着再次见到你 Looking forward to seeing you again soon.)


例句:Not a one will come forward. (没有一个愿站出来的 Not a one will come forward.)


例句:Give her something to look forward to. (翻译:给她点可以期待的东西 Give her something to look forward to.)


forward to一般作为名词使用,如在forward forward(同时买进和卖出同一种但到期日不同的远期外汇)、forward(向前的)、forward by(通过…来促进)等常见短语中出现较多。

forward forward同时买进和卖出同一种但到期日不同的远期外汇
forward by通过…来促进
forward of[网络] 前进
Forward forward contract[网络] 远期对远期交易
forward forward deposit远期有期存款
forward forward swap远期对远期掉期
draft forward[网络] 船首吃水;前吃水;船首吃水首吃水
dollar forward[经] 美元期货


1. Not a one will come forward. (翻译:没有一个愿站出来的 Not a one will come forward.)

2. Give her something to look forward to. (翻译:给她点可以期待的东西 Give her something to look forward to.)

3. And like any art, practise makes perfect. We move in one alley at a time. (翻译:他们使用战略 在小巷中推进 They go forward, safely, strategically moving in groups.)

4. It can't be that bad. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing your act. (翻译:am looking forward to seeing your act.)

5. We gotta keep going forward. (翻译:只能继续向前走 We gotta keep going forward.)

6. And I urge that traitor... step forward. (翻译:我奉劝这个叛徒 And I urge that traitor... 立刻自首 step forward.)

7. Then I look forward to meeting her. (翻译:那我很期待见到她 Then I look forward to meeting her.)

8. All right, you come forward. (翻译:好吧, 请你过来. All right, you come forward.)

9. Hopefully the father will come forward. (翻译:希望孩子的父亲能站出来 Hopefully the father will come forward.)

10. And I was really looking forward to seeing you. (翻译:我真的非常想见你 And I was really looking forward to seeing you.)

11. Bring the product release forward. (翻译:Bring the product release forward.)

12. Quick like a turtle! Lie on your back! (翻译:# Three steps forward One step back)

13. Forward motion Make you sway like the ocean (翻译:[Forward motion Make you sway like the ocean])

14. - The way forward has already began. (翻译:- But the way forward... - The way forward has already began.)

15. So front foot forward, heel to toe. (翻译:前脚向前 脚跟到脚趾 So front foot forward, heel to toe.)
