ooxx是什么意思 ooxx的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-14 06:27:07活该吗

1. 词义:ooxx是网络语言中表示亲吻和拥抱的符号组合,其中oo代表两只嘴唇互相接触的形状, xx则代表两只手臂交叉并拥抱的形状。常常用于表达爱情、友谊等感情。

ooxx是什么意思 ooxx的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:ooxx是一个小型的词组。

3. 词组搭配:除了用于表达感情以外,ooxx还可以用于表示膜拜、致敬等。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:ooxx的发音为"哦哦叉叉",其中o为元音音素,读作/ou/,x为辅音音素,读作/ks/。

6. 七个相关的中英文翻译例句:

a. 我们每次分别的时候都会ooxx一下。We always ooxx each other when we say goodbye.

b. 我们的宠物也喜欢ooxx。Our pets like to ooxx too.

c. 朋友圈里ooxx的评论居然比祝福评论还多。There are more ooxx comments than blessings in the friends circle.

d. 我们在网上互相ooxx,但是在现实中还没见过面。We ooxx each other online but haven't met in person yet.

e. 我们不仅仅ooxx,还会写情书。We not only ooxx but also write love letters.

f. 昨晚在跳舞的时候,他突然ooxx了我一下。He suddenly ooxxed me while we were dancing last night.

g. 我们会在照片里ooxx,这样的照片看起来很。We will ooxx in photos, which makes them look very warm.


读音:o x x


1. 我们的交往方式比较保守,只有亲亲抱抱,从不过分。

2. 她一边说着亲亲抱抱,一边把我拉到自己的怀里。


The Chinese translation for 'ooxx' is "亲亲抱抱" (qn qn bo bo).

Pronunciation: o x x


1. Our relationship is relatively conservative, limited to just hugs and kisses, nothing too much.

2. As she talked about kisses and hugs, she pulled me into her arms.




例句:I can get you six... and I'll give you another six after I recoup from street sales. (我能给你6OO万 我可以在进行了街头售卖之后 再给六百万)


例句:My name is xx, and you can call me Soki instead. (我的名字是某某,你们也可以叫我Soki。)


例句:XX is the bottom lost of this box, include wine , no cigarette, betel nut. (这间包厢的最低消费是XX,包含酒水在内,除香烟、槟榔外。)


1. XX is the bottom lost of this box, include wine , no cigarette, betel nut. (翻译:这间包厢的最低消费是XX,包含酒水在内,除香烟、槟榔外。)

2. I estimate we both have 400 people each (翻译:据我估计,我们两边各有四百多人 I estimate we both have 4OO peopIe each)

3. Did you know that besides XX or XY chromosomes, you could have XX and XY chromosomes? (翻译:你们知道除了XX或XY染色体, 你可以同时拥有XX和XY染色体吗? )

4. The Euronext 100 index (XX:N100 705.73, -1.62, -0.23%) fell 0.3% to 705.52 (翻译:欧洲证券交易所100指数下跌0.3%,至705.52点。)

5. OO this morning, an unidentified man threw himself off the Mission City dam-- (翻译:00今天上午, 一名身份不明的男子扑倒 关闭团市委坝 -)

6. Aileen Wuornos was executed on October 9th, 2002... (翻译:xx年之后2OOxx年1O月xx日 艾琳瓦诺斯在佛罗里达州被处死)

7. $2OO, OOO, broad daylight. (翻译, 会有多可怕.)

8. A pair of X's gives us a girl, and an X and a Y together gives us a boy. (翻译:一对XX会得到女儿, 而一条X及一条Y配对 则得到儿子。)

9. So now your quintal's worth $15 million... a mark-up of 11 million something that you get no part of. (翻译:所以现在你的OO公斤值l5OO万美元 加上llOO万美元的成本 邓你就拿不到什么了)

10. Now, 10 times 100 is only $1,000. (翻译:她跟我讲,当初进来的时候身价是1OO块,加十倍不过是一千块.)

11. You'll see it's true-oo-oo, someone like me-ee-ee (翻译:someone like me -ee -ee)

12. # Ecuadorian oo venezolano# (翻译:# Ecuadorian oo venezolano#)

13. Normally, I wouldn't be an isolator to a star for more than a month. But i'll remember the name of XX. (翻译:对于追星一向无法超过一个月的我,XX这个名字我会记住的,即使以后会忘记这个人。)

14. Furthermore, despite much tuning, the OO version ran slower than its NOO counterpart. (翻译:还有,虽然经过精心调整,OO版本要比NOO版本运行慢。)

15. oo aroo) Come on,ices together! (翻译:呜嗷嗷 呜嗷嗷 うおおん うおおん 快过来 我们一起放声呼喊 おいでのど 鸣らそうよ)
