dant是什么意思 dant的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-14 18:08:09莫念初

dant是什么意思 dant的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 解释


- 'D' and 'T'的缩写词,表示“深度技术”(Deep Technology);

- 'DanT'的缩写词,即“Dance and Technology”(舞蹈与技术);

- 'Dante'的音译,指代意大利文艺复兴时期著名的文学家但丁(Dante Alighieri)。

2. 深度技术(Deep Technology):

- The company specializes in dant, providing advanced technology solutions to clients worldwide.(该公司专注于深度技术,为全球客户提供先进的技术解决方案。)

- She is an expert in dant and has published numerous research papers on the topic.(她是深度技术方面的专家,曾经发表过许多与此相关的研究论文。)

- The conference will focus on the latest trends and developments in dant.(会议将聚焦于深度技术的最新趋势和发展动态。)

3. 舞蹈与技术(Dance and Technology):

- The performance combined contemporary dance with cutting-edge dant, creating a unique and mesmerizing experience for the audience.(这场表演将当代舞蹈与尖端技术相结合,为观众创造了一种独特而令人陶醉的体验。)

- The course explores the intersection of dant and cography, and encourages students to experiment with different methods and tools.(该课程探索了舞蹈艺术与技术的交叉点,鼓励学生尝试不同的方法和工具。)

- The company is known for its revolutionary use of dant in its performances, pushing the boundaries of what is possible on stage.(这家公司以在表演中性地运用技术而闻名,不断推动舞台表演的可能性边界。)

4. 但丁(Dante Alighieri):

- Dante's Divine Comedy is considered one of the greatest works of Western literature.(但丁的《神曲》被认为是西方文学最伟大的作品之一。)

- The Italian government commemorated the 700th anniversary of Dante's death with a series of events and initiatives.(意大利通过一系列事件和倡议纪念但丁逝世700周年。)

- Dante's influence can be seen in the works of many later writers, such as T.S. Eliot and James Joyce.(但丁的影响可以在许多后来的作家的作品中看到,比如T.S.艾略特和詹姆斯乔伊斯。)









dant一般作为名词、动词使用,如在otia dant vitia([网络] 懒惰是罪恶之源)等常见短语中出现较多。

otia dant vitia[网络] 懒惰是罪恶之源
