米利姆用英语怎么说 米利姆的英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-15 06:30:08栀梦

米利姆用英语翻译为"millimes",还可以翻译为Milly Milly,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到58个与米利姆相关短语翻译和用法。

1. Mica, go home. it's dawn already.

2. - They are here at the baths.

米利姆用英语怎么说 米利姆的英语翻译

3. - i'm very sorry, Mr. DeMille.

4. Pali, F, the usual disaster.

5. Miam's bnging Aese to watch.

6. - Good morning. - Look at that.

7. i want him to be ll-headed!

8. Srus fm Miletus Evodius whom i met in Milan

9. - Please, Miam, let us go. - No, Aan.

10. Mrs. Milliken! Come quickly!

11. Miam. Where are you going?

12. This happened at Mebah which in Hebrew means: Stfe, contention.

13. Wow. Get out of here, Emilio.
