fault是什么意思 fault的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-15 16:00:09时过境迁



fault是什么意思 fault的中文翻译、读音、例句


- find fault with 挑剔,找毛病

- at fault 有错,有责任

- fault line 断层线

- fault tolerance 容错性

- fault-finding 挑剔,吹毛求疵

- fault plane 断层面

- faultless 无瑕疵的


- It's not my fault. 这不是我的错。

- He found fault with everything I did. 他对我做的每件事都挑剔。

- The fault lies with you. 错误在你身上。

- There is a major fault in the system. 系统有一个重大故障。

- The fault was not immediately obvious. 故障并不一眼就能发现。

- I don't think it's his fault. 我认为这不是他的过错。

- It's my fault that we're late. 我们迟到是我的错。




- 他对我说的一切都不负责任。

He didn't take responsibility for anything I said.

- 这个故障可能导致系统奔溃。

This fault might cause the system to crash.

- 这部电影的唯一缺点是它的结尾。

The only fault of this movie is its ending.

- 他几乎找不到任何地方挑剔。

He could hardly find any fault anywhere.

- 他现在已经找了三个小时的毛病了。

He has been finding fault for three hours now.

- 这个决定有责任方需要为此付出代价。

The decision has a fault and someone needs to pay for it.

- 这次事故的责任不属于任何一方。

No one was at fault for the accident.



1. The computer has a fault, it keeps crashing. (这台电脑有故障,总是崩溃。)

2. It was my fault that I missed the meeting. (我错过会议是我的过失。)

3. The fault of the accident lies with the driver who was under the influence of alcohol. (这次事故的责任在于酒后驾车的司机。)

fault在中文中有"缺点 、断层"的意思,其中文解释还有"缺陷"的意思,单词读音音标为[f:lt],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到11个与fault相关的句子。



例句:The fault is entirely mine, Minister. (这全都是我的错 大臣 The fault is entirely mine, Minister.)


例句:It was Dad's fault, that woman's fault, my sister's fault, my fault, the world's fault (说什么是父亲的错 是那个女人的错 妹妹的错,我的错,整个世界都错了)


例句:The main type of fracture are tensional fault, compressional fault and strike slip fault. (断裂的类型主要有拉张或张扭断层、拉压或压扭断层、走滑断层。)


例句:Your fault, you spazzed me out. (翻译:都是你的错 你把我逼走了 Your fault, you spazzed me out.)


fault一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in fault(有过错\n[法] 有责任, 有过错)、is at fault(prep. 有毛病(有错误))、no fault([法]无过失)等常见短语中出现较多。

in fault有过错\n[法] 有责任, 有过错
is at faultprep. 有毛病(有错误)
no fault[法]无过失
to a fault过分地
was at faultprep. 有毛病(有错误)
differential fault剪断层
dip fault倾向断层
ductile fault塑性断层,韧性断层
double fault两次发球失误, 双误


1. The main type of fracture are tensional fault, compressional fault and strike slip fault. (翻译:断裂的类型主要有拉张或张扭断层、拉压或压扭断层、走滑断层。)

2. Your fault, you spazzed me out. (翻译:都是你的错 你把我逼走了 Your fault, you spazzed me out.)

3. This is your fault and you know it. (翻译:你知道这都是你的错 This is your fault and you know it.)

4. Right, but what he meant was, it was his fault. (翻译:但他的意思是 那是他的错 Right, but what he meant was, it was his fault.)

5. Why would a plane crash be our fault? (翻译:为什么飞机坠毁是我们的错? Why would a plane crash be our fault?)

6. It's because of what I did. (翻译:一切都是我的错 Everything is my fault.)

7. You think it was your fault. (翻译:你认为那是你的错 You think it was your fault.)

8. Jane, this is not your fault, okay? (翻译:Jane 这不是你的错 好吗? Jane, this is not your fault, okay?)

9. Fault rocks with a random fabric include fault breccia, fault gouge, pseudotachylyte and cataclastic rocks. (翻译:具有紊乱组构的断层岩包括断层角砾岩,断层泥,假玄武玻璃以及碎裂岩。)

10. What you did is not your fault. (翻译:你的所作所为不是你的错 What you did is not your fault.)

11. ...the fault line in the Central Valley. Their end of the fault line has not moved yet. (翻译:断层线末端还没有移动 Their end of the fault line has not moved yet.)

12. But, Grideau, it wasrt my fault. (翻译:But, Grideau, it wasrt my fault. 可是,克里朵,这不是我的过错)

13. Nothing is your fault, right? (翻译:- Oh, l know. Nothing is your fault, right?)

14. Josh feels like it was his fault. (翻译:乔什觉得是他的错 Josh feels like it was his fault.)

15. This is my fault, but I can correct it. (翻译:是我的错 不过我能纠正的 This is my fault, but I can correct it.)


