in quest of是什么意思 in quest of的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-15 19:33:10女人别骗我

1. 释义:'in quest of' 意为“寻找, 追求”。通常用于表示某个人或物在寻求或寻找某种东西。

2. 用法:这个短语通常用于口语和写作中,尤其是在描述人们寻找或追求某些东西时。

in quest of是什么意思 in quest of的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 同义词:in search of, looking for, searching for, seeking, hunting。

4. 句型:通常是以“in quest of + 名词”作为句子的主体。例如,“in quest of happiness”意为“追求幸福”。

5. 场景:这个短语可以用于各种场景中,如旅行、寻找工作、寻找知识等等。


1. I went out in quest of a good book store last night. (昨晚我出去寻找一家好的书店。)

2. The adventurers travelled around the world in quest of lost treasure. (探险家们环游世界寻找失落的宝藏。)

3. She is in quest of a new job now. (她正在寻找一份新工作。)

4. I am in quest of knowledge, which I can gain by reading books. (我正在追求知识,我可以通过阅读书籍来获得。)

5. He travelled to many countries in quest of adventure. (他去了许多国家寻求冒险。)


读音:[n kwst v]


1. They traveled to the remote mountain areas in quest of rare medicinal plants.


2. The explorer went on a journey in quest of a lost city in the Amazon rainforest.


in quest of的意思是"为了追求",还有为了追求的意思,发音音标为[inquestof],in quest of常被用作名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到77个与in quest of相关的例句。

In quest of的中文翻译


例句:Love of Truth: Druid Philosophy is a quest for Wisdom. (真理之爱:德鲁伊的哲学是智慧的追求。)


in quest of一般作为名词使用,如在quest(寻找 )、in quest(寻找;设法找到;为了寻求…)、quest for(追求, 探索)等常见短语中出现较多。

in quest寻找;设法找到;为了寻求…
quest for追求, 探索
FedEx quest[网络] 联邦快递任务
fetch quest[网络] 获取任务
galaxy quest银河访客; [电影]银河追缉令/星际远征
holy quest[网络] 寻找圣杯
quest about寻找
quest about for到处寻找...


1. Ryu continues on his quest to become a true warrior. (翻译:为了成为真正的格斗家,隆继续着他的旅程。)

2. What does Marlow receive by the activities of the Grail quest? (翻译:Marlow在寻找圣杯的过程中得到了什么?)

3. Can mankind be united by a common quest for truth and beauty? (翻译:证眼自己无愧f我化的选择 无愧干永恒的时光)

4. His quest for perfection is relentless. (翻译:他对完美的追求是不懈的。)

5. She chronicled her quest on her blog, "Not an activist." (翻译:她在她的博客上记述了她的追求:“不是一个积极分子。” )

6. Quest calling Commander Ilvar. (翻译:Ilvar叫游侠指挥官。打开扫描仪。)

7. Ours was a quest for a new story, our own. (翻译:我们的怀疑是在寻求一个新的故事, 我们自己的故事)

8. Bold Quest 2011 will focus on combat identification related to fires on dismounts. (翻译:Bold Quest 2011将重点放在下车士兵的战斗识别。)

9. As a nation, we may be overfunding the quest for unlikely cures. (翻译,我们可能过度投资于寻找不太可能的治疗方法。)

10. This is about people, our quest to invent and our right to live. (翻译:这关乎于人, 我们对发明的追求和生存的权利。)

:// (翻译://

12. The Turk said to start my quest with a hanged man. (翻译:那个土耳其人说过 我的追寻将由倒吊人开始)

13. I sent him out on a quest. (翻译:我对他发出了一个请求 I sent him out on a quest.)

14. Each day, it sends out a silent probe into the forest, on the quest for food. (翻译:Each day, it sends out a silent probe into the forest 每天派出一架无声探测器到森林里 in quest of food.)

15. Gold, seems to be the motivation for most of the quest grinders. (翻译:金币,似乎是大部分刷任务的玩家的目的。)
