clueless是什么意思 clueless的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-16 07:48:10撒哇嘀咔

1. 词的意思:Clueless的意思是“毫无头绪的”,“不知所措的”,“无能为力的”,“愚昧无知的”。

clueless是什么意思 clueless的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:Clueless是形容词,用来描述人或者事物。

3. 常用场景:Clueless通常用来描述那些缺乏知识、经验或者头脑的人或者事物。常常在日常生活、电影、电视剧、小说等场景中使用。

4. 词组搭配:有一些词组可以和Clueless一起使用,如:

- Clueless about:对...一无所知;

- Clueless look:茫然无措的表情;

- Clueless expression:愚昧无知的表情;

- Clueless person:愚笨的人。

5. 相关短语:有一些与Clueless相关的短语,如:

- Clueless wonder:一个完全没有头脑的人;

- Clueless idiot:一个毫无头绪的;

- Clueless state:一个茫然无措的状态。

6. 发音拼写:Clueless的发音是/kluls/。它的拼写是由clue(线索)和less(没有)两个词组成的。




1. She seems clueless about what's going on.


2. He was completely clueless about how to fix the problem.


3. I felt clueless when I tried to understand the instructions.





例句:- Clueless type! That must have hurt. (那些都是愚蠢的行为 那样做只能制造更多的痛苦)


例句:He's completely clueless about computers. (他对计算机一窍不通。)


例句:And I'm not gonna let a bunch of clueless pledges stand... in between me and the number one spot in the country. (我不会让一群笨的团员站在 我和一堆污点面前)

4.无线索的 、不懂的

例句:You know, maybe I am clueless, but I know one thing if I know nothing else. (翻译。)


clueless一般作为形容词使用,如在totally clueless(adj. 无知的)等常见短语中出现较多。

totally cluelessadj. 无知的


1. And I'm not gonna let a bunch of clueless pledges stand... in between me and the number one spot in the country. (翻译:我不会让一群笨的团员站在 我和一堆污点面前)

2. You know, maybe I am clueless, but I know one thing if I know nothing else. (翻译。)

3. How can a captain be so clueless about official protocols? (翻译:这家伙已经是大尉了 怎么行政能力这样的 这家伙)

4. You could do a little scene from Terms of Endearment or Clueless! (翻译:你完全可以在母女情深 或独领电影中露个脸)

5. According to Huixiang's personality she'd be totally clueless in facing Bao. (翻译:以惠香的性格来说 她一定不知道如何去面对惠宝)

6. You fail by leaving the reader dumbfound and clueless as to why you sent such a letter. (翻译:如果您的信函让读者一头雾水,让他们不知道您要说些什么的话,那这样的信函是不合格的。)

7. You know, I've done like 10 films since Clueless, and for some reason, that is the only one that people always go back to. (翻译:你知道,我已经做了 像10部电影,因为懵懵懂懂, 出于某种原因, 这是唯一的一个 人们总是回去。)

8. Yeah. I bet you all could do a scene from Clueless, like totally! (翻译:甚至独领中的所有戏 你都可以演 完全可以)

9. And we're going to continue being clueless going into this very difficult future that we face. (翻译:我们就会继续像没头的苍蝇 跌跌撞撞进入我们面对的艰难未来 )

10. That you found someone even more clueless than you are to worship you. (翻译:你找到某个甚至比你更笨的妞 让她来崇拜你)

11. They were clueless as to what this effusively friendly display by the American couple was all about. (翻译:她们搞不懂,这对美国夫妇为什么如此热情地向她们示好。)

12. We'll deliver the sword you worshipped to the clueless son you never knew existed. (翻译:我们会把剑送到你不知道他的存在 供奉并且失联的儿子手上)

13. With great, albeit clueless, gusto. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}因为伟大 所以尽管笨的可以 倒也乐得其中)

14. They were clueless as to what this effusively friendly display by the American couple was all about. (翻译:她们搞不懂,这对美国夫妇为什么如此热情地向她们示好。)

15. Ask me to explain what a credit default swap is and I'll emit an unbroken 10-minute "um" through the clueless face of a broken puppet. (翻译:如果让我解释什么是“信用违约掉期”,我会一连“嗯”上10分钟,脸上一片茫然,恰似玩偶的脸,而且还是一只破损的玩偶。)
