田申用英语怎么说 田申的英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-16 14:45:11小澎湃


田申用英语怎么说 田申的英语翻译

1. The ones Mr. Saruhashi threw away...

2. You gotta declare all that?

3. Shenyuan denied the allegations.

4. -=Shin Gemma: Did you dodge?

5. This was Mrs. Shin's condition.

6. - But we needn't ask Panshin?

7. Are you going to marry Panshin?

8. Hikaru Ota. Call me Hikaru.

9. =What will happen to Sinseong deposit money? =

10. Shin Eun Gyu... Shin Eun Gyu...

11. Shin Jae-seok You all ght?

12. That was Mr. Shin Hae-chul

13. - He's looking at colleges.
