rock band是什么意思 rock band的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-18 08:58:14颓废感

rock band是什么意思 rock band的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:heavy rock band(重金属乐队),punk rock band(朋克乐队),pop rock band(流行摇滚乐队)

短语:join a rock band(加入一个摇滚乐队)

发音拼写:/rk bnd/


1. The rock band played their hit song to a packed stadium.(摇滚乐队在满座的体育馆演奏了他们的热门歌曲。)

2. My friend is the lead singer of a famous rock band.(我的朋友是一支知名摇滚乐队的主唱。)

3. We're going to see a local rock band perform at the pub tonight.(今晚我们要去酒吧看一支当地的摇滚乐队表演。)

4. The rock band's sound engineer had to adjust the levels on the mixing board.(摇滚乐队的声音工程师必须调整混音台上的音量。)

5. She formed a rock band with her clmates and they started playing at school events.(她和同学们组成了一支摇滚乐队,开始在学校的活动中演奏。)


读音:rck bnd

例句:The Beatles 是一支著名的摇滚乐团。

翻译:The Beatles is a famous rock band.

rock band在中文中有"新变形战机、摇滚乐团"的意思,其次还有"〔音〕摇摆舞乐队"的意思,发音是[rockband],rock band来源于英语,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到38个与rock band相关的例句。

Rock band的翻译


例句:I'm a rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock (我是个摇滚、摇滚、摇滚 摇滚、摇滚、摇滚)


例句:♪ When I rock, when I rock ♪ (? When I rock, when I rock ? ?)


例句:# One, two, three o"clock, four o"clock rock # Five, six, seven o"clock, eight o"clock rock... # (Rock Around the Clock)


例句:I wanna rock and roll all night (翻译:I wanna rock and roll all night)


rock band一般作为名词使用,如在band(①带子②乐队 )、in band(带内[的])、on the rock([网络] 加冰饮用;磐石岩壁;加冰块)等常见短语中出现较多。

in band带内[的]
on the rock[网络] 加冰饮用;磐石岩壁;加冰块
rock this[网络] 导入曲
the Rock[网络] 勇闯夺命岛;绝地任务;石破天惊
to rock[网络] 杠荡;晃荡;使动摇
diffuse band漫射光带
dirt band污层;冰川碎石带
dross band锡渣带
dry band成年母羊群;无羔单位羊群;怀胎羊数


1. # One, two, three o"clock, four o"clock rock # Five, six, seven o"clock, eight o"clock rock... # (翻译:Rock Around the Clock)

2. I wanna rock and roll all night (翻译:I wanna rock and roll all night)

3. I left the money and the rock where it was. (翻译:I left the money and the rock where it was.)

4. # I want to rock # # rock # # rock # # rock # # rock # # rock # # rock # (翻译:##我要摇滚 ###岩岩石# ###岩岩石#)

5. ♪ When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ♪ (翻译:When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ? ?)

6. Um, caves, mines near Castle Rock. (翻译:嗯,洞穴,矿井附近的Castle Rock。)

7. ♪ rock like this, rock like this ♪ (翻译:『Rock like this rock like this』)

8. Rock me, give me that kick now (翻译:Rock me, give me that kick now)

9. Vocabulary Our rock and roll band features two drummers, two guitarists, and a singer. (翻译:我们的摇滚乐团主要包括两名鼓手、两名吉他手及一名主唱。)

10. Ready to fall in love, Mr. Charlie Pace of the legendary rock band Drive Shaft? (翻译:准备谈恋爱吧,查理裴斯先生 传奇摇滚乐团传动轴的团员)

11. We require high-end talent management to keep the rock band together and playing. (翻译:我们需要高端的人才管理 以保持摇滚乐队一起演奏。)

12. Do not wear flip-flops or sneakers , unless you are interviewing to be a lead singer for a rock band. (翻译:除非你是去面试摇滚乐队主唱,不然面试就别穿人字拖或运动鞋。)

13. - This is Rubber Band Ridge. (翻译:- This is Rubber Band Ridge.)

14. - ( Tires Screeching ) - ** ( Rock And Roll ) (翻译:- [ Tires Screeching ] - ** [ Rock And Roll ])

15. ♪ phresh out, phresh out... ♪ I see you walk (翻译:♪ My jewels are diamond rollers ♪ ♪ My rock, hilla ♪)


rock band作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、rock、bands等。
