rebelled是什么意思 rebelled的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-18 22:08:14随风远走

1. 词释:

- Rebelled是动词rebel的过去式,意为反抗、叛乱。

rebelled是什么意思 rebelled的中文翻译、读音、例句

- Rebel也可以作为名词使用,指反叛者、叛军。

2. 词汇搭配:

- rebel against sth. 反抗某事

- rebel leader 反叛领袖

- rebel army 叛军

3. 词语用法:

- Rebelled通常用于过去式或过去分词形式,如:They rebelled against the government. (他们反抗了。)

- 作为名词的rebel可以用于复数形式,如:The rebels were defeated by the government troops. (叛军被军击败了。)


- 在历史上,反叛者们经常试图推翻现有政权。

In history, rebels often attempted to overthrow the existing government.

- 这个国家的最终反抗了对他们的殖民统治。

The people of this country eventually rebelled against their colonial rulers.

- 据报道,一些士兵因为不满待遇而叛变了。

According to reports, some soldiers rebelled due to dissatisfaction with their treatment.


- The population rebelled against the cruel dictator and his oppressive regime.

- The slaves rebelled against their masters and demanded their .

- The workers rebelled against the unfair and unjust working conditions imposed upon them by the company.

- The students rebelled against the strict rules of the school administration and staged a protest.

- The citizens rebelled against the corrupt government officials and demanded justice.




1. The soldiers rebelled against their commander and staged a mutiny.(士兵们反叛了他们的指挥官,发动了叛乱。)

2. She rebelled against her parents' strict rules and ran away from home.(她反抗了父母的严格规定并离家出走了。)

3. The workers rebelled against the low wages and r working conditions.(工人们反抗了低工资和恶劣的工作条件。)




例句:In 1945, when the Arabs of Setif rebelled, the French slaughtered hundreds in reprisal. (xx年,当伯人背叛时 法国人残杀了几百个分子)


例句:RevoIting against the legal decision that prevented the investiture of the elected representatives, the sergeants followed a military tradition and rebelled. (反抗那些阻止向当选代表授职 RevoIting against the legal decision 的法律决定, that prevented the investiture of the elected representatives, 军士们遵循着传统而反叛。)


例句:As a young man, Kreuger had rebelled against the monotony of his father's job as a factory manager in a small family match business on the Baltic Sea. (当克鲁格还是个年轻人的时候,他极力反对父亲单一的职业规划;他的是父亲波罗的海地区一个家庭火柴作坊的工厂主。)


例句:Jango had to punish them to prevent a breach of discipline that could bring down the government itself. (翻译:the sergeants followed a military tradition and rebelled. 杨戈只得要惩罚他们以防止对纪律的违反 Jango had to punish them to prevent a breach of discipline 否则可能导致本身被。)


1. As a young man, Kreuger had rebelled against the monotony of his father's job as a factory manager in a small family match business on the Baltic Sea. (翻译:当克鲁格还是个年轻人的时候,他极力反对父亲单一的职业规划;他的是父亲波罗的海地区一个家庭火柴作坊的工厂主。)

2. Jango had to punish them to prevent a breach of discipline that could bring down the government itself. (翻译:the sergeants followed a military tradition and rebelled. 杨戈只得要惩罚他们以防止对纪律的违反 Jango had to punish them to prevent a breach of discipline 否则可能导致本身被。)

3. Later it rebelled, got drunk, handcuffed for urinating whiskey on your neighbor's rose bushes. (翻译:之后它会叛逆,会喝醉酒, 会因为在邻居的玫瑰丛中 被抓起来。)

4. He lifted it as lightly as he could because his hands rebelled at the pain. (翻译:他尽量轻地把它举起来,因为他那双手痛得不听使唤了。)

5. The clay rebelled at this new disgrace. This is the worst of all that has happened to me, to be rifled with dirt and rubbish. (翻译:这个新的屈辱激起了黏土的更大的不满:我的不幸可以说是到了极点,被人用来装脏土垃圾了。)

6. I rebelled and I did it, all of it, for you. (翻译:and i did it - - all of it)

7. Some Japanese Americans rebelled, organizing labor strikes and even rioting. (翻译:一些日裔美国人进行反抗, 组织了甚至乱。)

8. If her simplicity had been the simplicity of pettiness and asininity, he would have chafed and rebelled. (翻译:如果她的单纯是偏狭而愚蠢的,他可能早已变得厌烦和反感了。)

9. When it had come to the sale of his office effects McTeague had rebelled with the instinctive obstinacy of a boy. (翻译:挨到拍卖他诊所里的东西时,麦克梯格发起孩子那种天生的倔脾气来了。)

10. He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him. (翻译:他背叛,不肯事奉亚述王。)

11. These two probably rebelled against the unsub's programming, so he got rid of them. (翻译:这两人可能反抗了不明嫌犯的训练 所以他把他们处理掉了)

12. In the end, Papandreou's own party colleagues rebelled against his idea for a plebiscite. He was forced out of office. (翻译:到最后,帕潘德里欧的同僚反对他的公投主张,使他。)

13. Samaria shall expiate her guilt, for she has rebelled against her God. (翻译:撒马利亚必要承当罪罚,因为她背叛了自己的;)

14. So in 1517 Luther rebelled against the Church of Rome, quite a number of things, one of them was his objections to the selling of indulgency. (翻译:xx年路德开始在很多方面反对罗马教会,其中一项就是反对出售赎罪券。)

15. Voters rebelled against high property taxes. (翻译:投票者们反对高额财产税。)


