行政文秘用英语怎么说 行政文秘英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-21 07:26:17北巷栀酒


1. Along the cordor, istration.

行政文秘用英语怎么说 行政文秘英语翻译

2. The commissioner's all ght.

3. AOSC; istrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference;

4. He's in the executive building.

5. i'm just an istrative secretary.

6. This is the executive order.

7. Get off yo ass and get this over to the executive building.

8. Day-to-day secretaal work including typing, filing, telexes, faxes, telephones, etc.

9. Training direction of amanuenses major in higher vocational college is applied talents.

10. Forwarding to contl tower

11. Okay, enough! Executive decision.
