金银细软用英语怎么说 金银细软英语翻译

生活学习2023-12-21 09:26:18の鬼刀╰つ

金银细软英语是"mullmull",还网络中常译为"kid finished cambc",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到39个与金银细软相关翻译和例句。

1. Lonicera japonic and afforestation in mines

金银细软用英语怎么说 金银细软英语翻译

2. For the last time, get yo things.

3. Trease Town has a certain je ne sais quoi.

4. Trease island's got a map.

5. You done bbed my pocket, you done bbed my pocket of silver and gold, boy, of silver and gold.

译文:金银财宝呀, 金银财宝, 全被你掠夺呀, 全被你掠夺。

6. For him, color means matching his stockings and breeches!

7. Why's the Rat back in Trease Town?

8. Mountains of gold and silver were heaped fm floor to ceiling.

9. ♫i disdain all glitteng gold♪

10. t looks like they'll fight again.

11. Enwught with golden and silver light.

12. Yeah, with his luggage and toothbrush.

13. On saddles of silver and gold
