in a word是什么意思 in a word的中文翻译、读音、例句

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in a word是什么意思 in a word的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'in a word' 意为“一句话,简言之”,常用于开头或结尾,表示总结或概括。


词组搭配:常见搭配有 “to sum up in a word”、“in a word or two”、“in a word of farewell”等。

短语及拼写:in a word。

发音:/n wrd/


1. In a word, he is brilliant.(一句话,他很出色。)

2. To sum up in a word, the performance was outstanding.(总之,这场表演很出色。)

3. In a word, we need to work harder.(简言之,我们需要更加努力。)

4. In a word or two, I think you should apologize.(简要说,我认为你应该道歉。)

5. In a word of farewell, she hugged her friends tightly.(告别的时候,她紧紧地拥抱了她的朋友们。)

6. It can be said in a word that he is a perfectionist.(可以用一个词来形容他,就是一个完美主义者。)

7. Ultimately, it all comes down to, in a word, trust.(归根到底,一句话,就是信任问题。)

'in a word' 中文翻译为“一言以蔽之”(y yn y b zh),读音为y yn y b zh。


- In a word, he is unreliable. (一言以蔽之,他不可靠。)

- The movie was fantastic. In a word, it was amazing. (这部电影太棒了。一言以蔽之,它令人惊叹。)

in a word通常被翻译为"总而言之、的变体"的意思,作为名词时有"简言之"的意思,单词读音音标为[inaword],in a word在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到54个与in a word相关的例句。

In a word的词典翻译


例句:See, eventually, word will spread, (最终 消息会传开 See, eventually, word will spread,)


例句:Totes. Yeah, recorded every word. (recorded every word.)


例句:I shall have a word with the unions. (I shall have a word with the unions.)


例句:Want me to put in a good word? (翻译:Want me to put in a good word?)


in a word一般作为名词使用,如在word by word(一字一字地,一字不差地,逐字逐句地)、word for word(逐字地)、in the word(adv. 说完之后\n[网络] 在神的道中;总而言之;总共)等常见短语中出现较多。

word by word一字一字地,一字不差地,逐字逐句地
word for word逐字地
in the wordadv. 说完之后\n[网络] 在神的道中;总而言之;总共
in word用语言
not a word什么也别说; 别说
not a word![口语]别告诉别人!别说出去!
on the word说过这话(便)
on with word说过这话(便)
the Word= logos;圣经;= gospel ( 1.)


1. I shall have a word with the unions. (翻译:I shall have a word with the unions.)

2. Want me to put in a good word? (翻译:Want me to put in a good word?)

3. children,culture,spoken word (翻译:children,culture,spoken word)

4. Well, listen, say the word. (翻译:Well, listen, say the word.)

5. Well, do I have your word? (翻译:do I have your word?)

6. I expect you to keep your word. (翻译:I expect you to keep your word.)

7. I got the word from my heart (翻译:# I got the word from my heart #)

8. Why did you never send word to Mother? (翻译:Why did you never send word to Mother?)

9. You want to get the word out to other agencies? (翻译:You want to get the word out to other agencies?)

10. He quotes me, word for word: (翻译:他逐字引用我的话 He quotes me, word for word:)

11. Could I have a word with you? (翻译:Could I have a word with you?)

12. A word processor, the lowest of the low. (翻译:A word processor, the lowest of the low.)

13. I have access to the entire curse word library. (翻译:I have access to the entire curse word library.)

14. Dr. Railly, I need a word in private with my aide. (翻译:I need a word in private with my aide.)
