soco是什么意思 soco的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-21 21:26:19叽里咕噜

soco是什么意思 soco的中文翻译、读音、例句


'soco'不是任何国家的语言,这个词语是由英国南部个别地区的方言所衍生出来的一个俚语。它是“so cold”的缩写,意思是“太冷了”,常用于形容气温非常寒冷或者感到寒冷不舒服的情况。


1. It's soco outside today.(今天外面太冷了。)

2. My hands were so soco that I couldn't even hold the cup.(我的手太冷了,我连杯子都拿不住。)

3. I had to wear two pairs of socks because it was soco.(因为太冷了我得穿两双袜子。)

4. Soco weather makes me want to stay in bed all day.(天气太冷了,我只想一整天待在床上。)

5. The water was soco that I couldn't even dip my toe in.(水太冷了,我甚至没法把脚尖放进去。)

6. I caught a cold because I didn't wear enough layers in the soco weather.(天气太冷了,我穿的衣服不够多,结果感冒了。)

7. The car wouldn't start because it was soco.(车子因为天气太冷了无法启动。)

8. I'm going to make a cup of tea to warm up from this soco weather.(我要喝一杯茶暖暖身子,天气太冷了。)

9. My nose was so soco that I couldn't even feel it.(我的鼻子太冷了,我都感觉不到它了。)




1. I love to drink Soco on the rocks.


2. Have you ever tried the Soco lime and soda tail?





例句:The Congolese government has granted a concession to SOCO International to explore for oil in Eastern Congo. (刚果给予SOCO国际 在刚果东部的石油开采特许权)


例句:[Gouby speaking English] At the same time as the M23 conflict is starting, a British company is also exploring for oil. (SOCO国际的广告录像带 就在冲突发生的同时 一家英国公司也正在开采石油)


例句:I decided to start investigating SOCO through him, and so I started meeting him and filming him undercover. (我决定通过他来调查SOCO 于是我开始跟他见面 并偷偷录像)


1. I decided to start investigating SOCO through him, and so I started meeting him and filming him undercover. (翻译:我决定通过他来调查SOCO 于是我开始跟他见面 并偷偷录像)

2. So, since SOCO has started working in the area, (翻译:有那么多武装盘旋于此 所以当SOCO开始在这里工作)

3. Shares of Soco fell 0.8%. (翻译:Soco公司股价下跌0.8%。)

4. SOCO says don't quote him, but there's blood in the grille. (翻译:现场不具名透露 在车保险杠上发现了血迹)

5. [John] What do you think you're doing with DEI (SOCO security contractors)? [Lechenault clears throat] (翻译:你以为你在DEI是干啥的 DEI是SOCO的承包公司)

6. [Gouby] SOCO contractors are in daily talks with rebel groups... and potentially even paying them to be able to work in the area. (翻译:分包商每天都与叛军沟通 甚至有可能付他们钱)

7. And if we bring this fight in front of the police in Congo, but especially in England, because SOCO is a British company. (翻译:得靠将一切记录在案 如果我们要将争端呈堂 给刚果和尤其是英国看)

8. [Gouby] Did SOCO come to ask for your views about what is going on? (翻译:关于这个事 SOCO有没有来问过你们的想法)

9. [Gouby] So we got a drink and then we sat down for dinner... and then the conversation got onto oil exploration through SOCO's work. (翻译:我们喝了一杯 然后坐下来吃饭 接着话题就聊到了石油开采上面)

10. Julien Lechenault is one of SOCO's employees. (翻译:Julien Lechenault 是一名SOCO员工)

11. If SOCO works with us, in particular with me... (翻译:如果SOCO跟我们合作 尤其是跟我合作的话)

12. All the armed groups know about SOCO's activities in the park, and they will want their slice of the cake. (翻译:各方武装都获悉了 SOCO在公园里的活动 他们都想从中分一杯羹)

13. The other thing I wanted to tell you about is the confusion which has developed around the oil issue with SOCO. (翻译:我要说的另一点是 SOCO勘探石油这件事 引发了一些困惑)

14. And the friends from SOCO have put marker stones on my land to mark out the Block 5, their concession. (翻译:2000公顷 我们的朋友SOCO 在我的地上放了界石 把特许权里的5号地块标记出来)

15. [speaking English] One of the main problems that SOCO has had so far, it's the park itself. (翻译:目前SOCO动的脑筋之一 落在公园本身上面 想在公园主管Emmanuel de Merode身上 打开缺口)


