confession是什么意思 confession的中文翻译、读音、例句

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confession是什么意思 confession的中文翻译、读音、例句


Confession也经常出现在一些固定搭配中,例如make a confession(做出坦白、承认的声明)、confession of faith(信仰自白)、confession of guilt(罪行自白)、confession chamber(忏悔室)等。

发音为 [knfn],拼写为confession。




1. She couldn't bear to make a confession to him.(她无法向他坦白)

2. After hours of interrogation, the suspect finally made a confession.(经过数小时的审问,疑犯最终供认了)

3. He went to the church to make a confession about his sins.(他去教堂忏悔他的罪孽)




例句:You make your confession to them. (城堡 但做得更好 Murder Castle. But done right.)


例句:Why do you want to go to confession? (你要忏悔什么 Why do you want to go to confession?)


例句:General confession with Pius. (和皮乌斯一起忏悔 General confession with Pius.)


例句:The young gentleman immediately regretted this confession. (翻译:年轻人 马上就后悔对别人袒露了内心真实的想法)


confession一般作为名词使用,如在direct confession([法] 直接供认, 直接坦白)、extrajudicial confession([法] 法院外的招供)、false confession([法] 假坦白, 骗人的供述)等常见短语中出现较多。

direct confession[法] 直接供认, 直接坦白
extrajudicial confession[法] 法院外的招供
false confession[法] 假坦白, 骗人的供述
forced confession强迫自白
Gallican Confession加利亚信条
Helvetic Confession[网络] 纥里微提信条;海尔维第自白;海尔维自白
involuntary confession[法] 违反本意的供述, 非自愿招供
judgement by confession[法] 根据招供作出的判决
judicial confession[法] 自供, 坦白


1. General confession with Pius. (翻译:和皮乌斯一起忏悔 General confession with Pius.)

2. The young gentleman immediately regretted this confession. (翻译:年轻人 马上就后悔对别人袒露了内心真实的想法)

3. This confession is, like, 40 pages. (翻译:This confession is, like, 40 pages.)

4. I want a signed confession. (翻译:我想要一份签字招供 I want a signed confession.)

5. With the signed confession of Howard Stark. (翻译:还带着霍华德・斯塔克签的认罪书 with the signed confession of Howard Stark.)

6. Oh, just confession stories. (翻译:Oh, just confession stories. 噢,只是知音体故事。)

7. The diaries are a mixture of confession and observation. (翻译:这些日记混合着自白和一些观察。)

8. A notarially certified confession, signed and sealed by Gaudenzio Pesce? (翻译:公证过的自供状 由高登扎奥・皮斯科签字画押?)

9. He was staunchly opposed to a public confession. (翻译:他坚决反对公开认错。)

10. I write my last confession. (翻译:我写下了最后的告解 I write my last confession.)

11. We have a confession to make. (翻译:我们有纠纷了 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}We have a confession to make.)

12. The confession of a person not a party to the case is totally inadmissible. (翻译:此人的招认不是本案一部分 不可接受为证据)

13. He was convicted based upon an involuntary confession. (翻译:那个 他被强迫认罪 喜欢你 受到了有罪判决)

14. And I suppose the confession portrays me as what? (翻译:我在想认罪书里面怎么描述我的? 一个懦夫? And I suppose the confession portrays me as what?)

15. Everybody wants a confession. (翻译:每个人都想忏悔 Everybody wants a confession.)
