gree是什么意思 gree的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-23 04:28:39坏脾滊


gree是什么意思 gree的中文翻译、读音、例句


He offered me his seat on the bus as a gesture of gree. (他主动让我坐公交车的座位,是一种友好的表示。)




例句:To Gree electric apparatus brief introduction on going on, grow up the retrospect of the course to Gree then. (接着对格力电器进行了简介,以及对格力成长历程的回顾。)


例句:"Gree" to consider buying a crowd of economic conditions, because people's income is one of the main factors to buy. (“格力”要考虑购买人群的经济情况,因为人们的收入情况是购买的主要因素之一。)


例句:He plans to expand globally and is opening a Gree headquarters in California in the near future. (他计划进行全球化扩张,并且不久的将来会在加州开设Gree总部。)


例句:Currently, Gree leads the market for "splits" , the latest equipment, and is fighting for fourth place in the market for traditional units. (翻译:目前,格力引领“分体空调”的市场并在传统机型的空调市场努力争取第四位。)


gree一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fast gree(固绿)、gree of preciseness(准确度)、do made gree([古语]以德报怨)等常见短语中出现较多。

fast gree固绿
gree of preciseness准确度
do made gree[古语]以德报怨
do make gree[古语]以德报怨


1. He plans to expand globally and is opening a Gree headquarters in California in the near future. (翻译:他计划进行全球化扩张,并且不久的将来会在加州开设Gree总部。)

2. Currently, Gree leads the market for "splits" , the latest equipment, and is fighting for fourth place in the market for traditional units. (翻译:目前,格力引领“分体空调”的市场并在传统机型的空调市场努力争取第四位。)

3. Led by Clone Marshal Commander Gree, the 41st was stationed on a number of exotic worlds with indigenous species during the Clone Wars. (翻译:在最高克隆指挥官格里的领导下,这支在克隆战争期间都驻扎在许多具有本土文化的奇异星球上。)

4. It is the 3rd China Top Brand in Zhuhai after Gree air-conditioning and Rossini watch. (翻译:这是继格力空调、罗西尼手表之后,我市的第三个“中国名牌”产品。)

5. Main Japanese Daikin, Gree, Midea, Haier, the new subjects such as, brand front cover domestic and foreign high , the low-end products. (翻译:主营日本大金、格力、美的、海尔、新科等,品牌战线囊括国内外高、中、低档产品。)

6. B and New Company shall, from time to time, meet and discuss and gree safety guidelines for the operation of the infrastructure project. (翻译:B和新公司应经常地共同讨论并就基础设施运行的安全规则达成共识。)

7. Contains gree tea essence narcissus essence , saxifrage essence , currant &so on . (翻译:蕴含绿茶精华、水鲜精华、老虎草精华、黑醋梨等。)

8. And, if you don't, tell him what you disa GREe with. (翻译:如果你不同意,告诉他你不同意什么。)

9. Hey, can I make a suggestion? Have you ever heard of"pee-not gree-gio"? (翻译:我能提点建议吗 你们听过灰皮诺【一种葡萄】)

10. ♫ Red or green or blue til I met you ? (翻译:Red or gree or blue til I met you)

11. "I believe that our Gree brand is gaining some influence step by step overseas, but I think this needs time, " she says. (翻译:我相信格力品牌会一步步在海外扩大影响,当然这需要时间。)

12. He is the founder of a Japanese social networking website called Gree. (翻译:他是日本社交网站Gree的创始人。)

13. Years of experience in quality management . In case of persons with a university de gree , less practical experience is required . (翻译:需xx年的质量管理经验。假如有大学学位,可以适当的降低实际经验的年限。)

14. A a biological catalyst, enzyme with unique excellent properties, have ee widely used i "gree chemistry" and "cleaner production" . (翻译:酶作为一种生物催化剂,以其独特的优良特性,在“绿色化学”和“清洁生产”中得到了广泛的应用。)

15. He often cooks gree beans soup and carrys it into the refrigerator , keep it cold when you eat it everytime. (翻译:夏天的凌晨起来给你煮绿豆汤,然后放进冰箱确保你喝到时它是冰冰凉的;)


