won是什么意思 won的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-24 02:28:36初蝶

won是什么意思 won的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词意: won 是动词 win 的过去式,意为“赢得、获胜”。

2. 词性: 过去式 (past tense)

3. 常用场景:在比赛、游戏、竞争中获胜,取得胜利,例如:I won the game. (我赢了比赛。)

4. 词组搭配:

- "have won":表示曾经获胜,例如:He has won many awards. (他曾经获得过许多奖项。)

- "win over":表示赢得某人的好感或信任,例如:He managed to win over the audience with his speech. (他的演讲赢得了观众的好感。)

- "win back":表示重新赢回某物或某人的支持或信任,例如:He is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend. (他正在试图重新赢回前女友的心。)

- "win a prize":表示获得奖项,例如:She won first prize in the singing competition. (她在歌唱比赛中获得了一等奖。)

5. 相关短语:winning streak(连胜), win the approval(赢得赞同),win the trust(赢得信任)

6. 发音拼写:wn



1. 내가 이번 게임에서 1000원을 이겼어. (韩语) - 我在这个游戏中赢得了1000韩元。

2. 이 책은 5만원이야. (韩语) - 这本书售价5万韩元。

3. 그는 복권으로 1억원을 받았다. (韩语) - 他通过彩票中了1亿韩元。

4. 그들은 축구 경기에서 3:1로 이겼다. (韩语) - 他们在足球比赛中以3比1获胜。

5. 이번 대선에서 그가 승리할 수 있을까? (韩语) - 他能在这次总统选举中获胜吗6. 나는 우리 회사의 연봉 인상에 대해 매우 만족한다. (韩语) - 我对公司的年薪涨幅非常满意。

7. 나는 이번 달 월급을 받았다. (韩语) - 我收到了这个月的工资。

8. 그녀는 그녀의 차를 팔고 500만원을 벌었다. (韩语) - 她卖掉了她的车,赚了500万韩元。

9. 지난 주에는 내가 복권을 사서 1만원을 이겼다. (韩语) - 上周我买了彩票,中了1万韩元。




1. He won the game with ease. (他轻松地赢得了比赛。)

2. She won the first prize in the competition. (她在比赛中获得了一等奖。)

3. The team won the championship for the third time in a row. (这支球队连续三次获得了冠军。)

4. He worked hard and finally won the respect of his colleagues. (他努力工作,最终赢得了同事们的尊重。)

5. Despite the odds, she managed to win the race. (尽管面临重重困难,她还是成功地赢得了比赛。)




例句:this was the... first time we won. (这是... 我们第一次赢 this was the... first time we won.)


例句:You laugh, but I won $500. (-pee. 你们笑了 赢了五百美元 You laugh, but I won $500.)


例句:Is that the fish you won at the carnival? (Is that the fish you won at the carnival?)


例句:Benefica won 5-0, Lets go and see. (翻译:本菲卡5 -0赢了, 我们去看看。Benefica won 5)


won一般作为名词、动词使用,如在won't(will not的缩合形式 )、won back(na. 努力收复(失地))、won out(na. 摆脱)等常见短语中出现较多。

won'twill not的缩合形式
won backna. 努力收复(失地)
won outna. 摆脱
won overna. 拉过来\n[网络] 赢得
won the day得胜;占上风;取得成功(等于carry the day)
won through完成
won ton吴抄手
won tons馄饨
it won't do[用来表示说话人不满意某人的行为并认为不应再让其继续下去]不行
it won't hurt[网络] 不会痛的


1. Is that the fish you won at the carnival? (翻译:Is that the fish you won at the carnival?)

2. Benefica won 5-0, Lets go and see. (翻译:本菲卡5 -0赢了, 我们去看看。Benefica won 5)

3. Oh, for God sakes, you won, Sam. (翻译:听你的,游泳池苏联。Oh, for God sakes, you won, Sam.)

4. We won the case, based on a lie. (翻译:我们所做的 都是基于一个谎言 We won the case, based on a lie.)

5. 9 months ago, Sabine Hobbs won the prestigious (翻译:9个月以前,萨宾 霍布斯赢得声誉 9 months ago, Sabine Hobbs won the prestigious)

6. Action WON Jin Visual effect MOON Byung-yong (翻译:武术指导 WON Jin 视觉效果 MOON Byung -yong)

7. I had a close encounter, Sam... and I won. (翻译:Sam. 而且我赢了 {\3cH202020}And I won.)

8. Like, I think he won a belt. (翻译:l think he won a belt.)

9. The kind that has no idea why we just won a war. (翻译:The kind that has no idea why we just won a war.)

10. ## When the Lakers won titles back to back ## (翻译:[When the Lakers won titles back to back])

11. I solved two major cases, and won tdraa awards for asoallanos. (翻译:两次立功 三次嘉奖 I solved two major cases, and won tdraa awards for asoallanos.)

12. Then I won a beauty contest. (翻译:我赢得选美比赛 Then I won a beauty contest.)

13. You won the Marksmanship Award. (翻译:赢得枪法奖的是你 You won the marksmanship award.)

14. My life was a war that could never be won. (翻译:我的人生是一场注定失败的战争 My life was a war that could never be won.)

15. You talk of battles to be won (翻译:你们研究怎么打胜仗 You talk of battles to be won)


