lighten up是什么意思 lighten up的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-24 12:24:37凡桃

1. 词释:'lighten up'是一个动词短语,意为“变得轻松、放松、幽默或不那么严肃”,通常用于建议或教导某人不要太紧张或太严肃。

2. 用法场景:'lighten up'通常用于口语交流中,特别是在不那么正式的场合,如在朋友之间、在家庭聚会上、在节目中等。

lighten up是什么意思 lighten up的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 搭配词汇:'lighten up'通常和其他动词或介词短语连用,以表达更具体的意思,如'lighten up on'(减轻对某人或某事的批评或谴责)、'lighten up the mood'(让气氛变得更加欢快、轻松)等。

4. 同义表达:'lighten up'的同义短语有'chill out'、'relax'、'take it easy'等。

5. 实际应用:以下是五个中英文例句,以帮助读者更好地理解'lighten up'的用法和含义:

- Lighten up, dude. I was just kidding!(别那么紧张了,我只是开个玩笑!)

- You need to lighten up on your kids. They're just being kids. (你需要对你的孩子放松点,他们只是孩子嘛。)

- The party was a bit too formal, so I suggested we lighten up the mood with some games. (晚会太正式,于是我建议玩几个游戏,让气氛变得轻松些。)

- Lighten up on the sugar, or you'll end up with cavities. (少吃点糖,否则你会长蛀牙。)

- Sometimes, we all just need to lighten up and not take life too seriously. (有时,我们都需要放松点,别把生活看得太严肃。)


读音:[latn p]


1. Come on, lighten up a bit! We're just having some fun.


2. I think you need to lighten up and not take everything so seriously.


3. He had a terrible day at work, so I tried to lighten up his mood by telling him some jokes.


lighten up通常被翻译为"别抱怨、使生动活泼"的意思,其中文解释还有"别那么严肃"的意思,发音音标为[latn p],lighten up常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到39个与lighten up相关的句子。

Lighten up的释义


例句:Well, I dare Rarity to lighten up and stop obsessing' over every last little detail for a change. (那我让瑞瑞冒险变得随意, 别纠缠于任何细枝末节)


例句:Lighten up, Vince, a bit of dust never hurt anyone. (放松点,Vince,一点沙尘暴不会有什么事的)


例句:Remember the old saying, "laugh with you. " So relax, lighten up; do not get things out of proportion. (记住这句话吧,“笑对世界,世界便会同你一起欢笑。”所以,放松自己,轻松面对;不要小题大做,自寻烦恼。)


例句:Wake up, wake up, wake up. (翻译:醒醒 快醒醒 快醒醒 Wake up, wake up, wake up.)


lighten up一般作为名词使用,如在lighten ... up(na. 同“lighten ”\n[网络] 放轻松;放松;减仓)、lighten(①变亮②变轻 )、lighten sth up([网络] 减轻了)等常见短语中出现较多。

lighten ... upna. 同“lighten ”\n[网络] 放轻松;放松;减仓
lighten sth up[网络] 减轻了
lighten holeun. 点火孔\n[网络] 减轻重量孔
lighten outv. 闪现出
lighten ship[网络] 减载船;减轻船载
up and up越来越好; 诚实
is up[网络] 到期了;到了
is up to胜任;该由…负责;轮到…;从事,忙于


1. Remember the old saying, "laugh with you. " So relax, lighten up; do not get things out of proportion. (翻译:记住这句话吧,“笑对世界,世界便会同你一起欢笑。”所以,放松自己,轻松面对;不要小题大做,自寻烦恼。)

2. Wake up, wake up, wake up. (翻译:醒醒 快醒醒 快醒醒 Wake up, wake up, wake up.)

3. I feel I ought to try and lighten your load. (翻译:I feel I ought to try and lighten your load.)

4. Cream tea seems to lighten the skin color and improve the overall appearance of the complexion. (翻译:奶茶能使皮肤光亮、红润,并改善皮肤的总体外观。)

5. Something to lighten the mood? (翻译:要不要放松一下? Something to lighten the mood?)

6. As soon as I was able to lighten the load, we slipped away. (翻译:索尼娅: 一旦我能够减轻负重 我们就溜走了)

7. - Break it up, break it up, break it up. (翻译:- 停下, 停下, 停一下. - 是,吗? -Break it up, break it up, break it up.)

8. Everything will be allright! Lighten up and stop worrying! (翻译:一切都会没事的!放轻松不要再担心了! )

9. No, head up, mate, head up. (翻译:No, head up, mate, head up.)

10. Markland, just lighten up, will ya? (翻译:会把这场演出搞砸 Markland 放轻松点 好吗)

11. So, parents, lighten up . The stakes have been vastly exaggerated. Up to a point, we can rationalize our pushiness . (翻译:所以,家长们,放松些吧。奖金被大大地夸大了。在某种程度上,我们可以使我们爱出风头的想法更趋合理。)

12. pick it up, pick it all up (翻译:* pick it up,pick it all up *)

13. Applicable people: for people having mature skin and need to prevent and lighten winkles (翻译:适用人群:熟龄肌肤,需预防、减淡细纹之人群)

14. Maybe we ought to bring in another columnist, you know, someone to lighten the load. (翻译:也许我应该 带来的另一个专栏作家, Aliviane有人负载。)

15. Emblica? is a powerful ayurvedic fruit extract to lighten the appearance of discoloured stretch marks and pigmentation. (翻译:是种强大的印度传统医学所用水果的精华,可以减轻妊娠纹变色以及色素沉淀。)
