dress in是什么意思 dress in的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-24 18:26:37青凋牧

我可以为您提供一些关于'dress in'的详细解释和例句,希望对您有所帮助。

1. 'dress in'的含义:穿上某种类型的衣服或服装,通常用于描述某个人的着装状态。

dress in是什么意思 dress in的中文翻译、读音、例句

例如:She dressed in a red coat.(她穿上了一件红色外套。)

2. 'dress in'的用法:作为动词短语时,通常需要加上某种类型的衣服或服装作为宾语。也可以加上其他限定词(如颜色或风格)来进一步描述衣物或服装的特征。

例如:She dressed in a traditional Chinese costume.(她穿上了一套传统的中国服装。)

3. 'dress in'和'dress up'的区别:'dress in'强调着装的状态而不是着装的目的,而'dress up'则强调着装是为了某个特殊场合或目的。

例如:She dressed in a casual outfit.(她穿着休闲的衣服。)

They dressed up in formal wear for the wedding.(他们穿上正装参加婚礼。)

4. 'in dress'和'dress in'的区别:'in dress'通常用于描述女性穿着特定类型或风格的连衣裙,而'dress in'则可以用于描述各种类型的衣物或服装。

例如:She looked beautiful in her wedding dress.(她穿着婚纱看起来非常漂亮。)

He dressed in a suit for the job interview.(他穿上西服面试。)

5. 'dress in'的例句:

- He dressed in black for the funeral.(他穿上黑色的服装去参加葬礼。)

- She always dresses in bright colors to stand out.(她总是穿着鲜艳的颜色以引人注目。)

- They dressed in costumes for the Halloween party.(他们为万圣节聚会穿上了化妆服。)

- The models dressed in designer clothes for the fashion show.(模特们穿上了设计师的服装参加时装秀。)

- The players dressed in uniforms for the basketball game.(球员们穿上队服参加篮球比赛。)


读音:[dres n]


1. You should dress in warmer clothes for the winter.(你应该穿暖和一点的衣服过冬。)

2. She always dresses in a professional manner for work.(她工作时总是穿着专业的服装。)

3. The children were dressed in their Halloween costumes.(孩子们穿着万圣节服装。)

4. He likes to dress in casual clothes on weekends.(他喜欢在周末穿休闲服装。)

dress in在中文中有"穿着、训斥"的意思,还有查看全部的意思,单词读音音标为[dressin],dress in来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到97个与dress in相关的句子。

Dress in的释义


例句:Does she like to play dress up? (她打扮成这样? Does she like to play dress up?)


例句:I need to dress in ancient costume. (I need to dress in ancient costume.)


例句:Handkerchiefs, spit shine. (戴好手帕 擦亮皮鞋 Dress sharp... handkerchiefs, spit shine.)


dress in一般作为名词使用,如在dress(连衣裙)、dress ... in(un. 穿着;训斥\n[网络] 穿…的服装;穿起;穿上)、dress as(穿…的服装;使穿得像)等常见短语中出现较多。

dress ... inun. 穿着;训斥\n[网络] 穿…的服装;穿起;穿上
dress as穿…的服装;使穿得像
dress for为(某一场合)穿适当的衣服
dress with以…装饰(或打扮)
to dress[网络] 开膛;教你穿衣服;包扎
dinner dress晚宴服; 简便女晚礼服
dirndl dress村妇装
easy dress便服


1. Handkerchiefs, spit shine. (翻译:戴好手帕 擦亮皮鞋 Dress sharp... handkerchiefs, spit shine.)

2. Hey, where did you buy that dress? (翻译:你在哪里买的礼服? 我好喜欢! Where did you buy that dress?)

3. The dress in the window to a man! (翻译:Mama, I just made a sale. The dress in the window to a man!)

4. Do you guys not like the dress? (翻译:难道你们不喜欢这裙子? Do you guys not like the dress?)

5. I need to remove my dress. (翻译:我要脱掉我的衣服 I need to remove my dress.)

6. I love the colour of that dress. (翻译:I love the colour of that dress.)

7. I am so happy to meet you, Ricky. (翻译:就是她给我做了这条连衣裙 This is the one that made me this dress. Ricky.)

8. Is that what this little black dress is about? (翻译:- Did you meet someone? ls that what this little black dress is about?)

9. - Where is my dress? - Ah! (翻译:我的裙子在哪儿 {\3cH202020}Where is my dress?)

10. I finally have an actor to dress. (翻译:终于有人来试穿了 I finally have an actor to dress.)

11. Yes, on that day, I saw Tim dress so smart. (翻译:I saw Tim dress so smart.)

12. * A coat, dress or blouse * [ Chuckles ] * Remember somewhere * Which one of you is the father? (翻译:* A coat, dress or blouse * [ 笑声 ])

13. - Come on. - Well, I have to try on my dress. (翻译:I have to try on my dress.)

14. This was my favorite dress. (翻译:这是我最喜欢的衣服. This was my favorite dress.)

15. Did she do something to the dress? (翻译:她弄坏婚纱了吗 Did she do something to the dress?)
