fatality是什么意思 fatality的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-12-25 14:06:39离不开



fatality是什么意思 fatality的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:road fatality(道路死亡事故)、fatal accident(致命事故)、fate and fatality(命运和命中注定的事情)




1. The fatality rate of COVID-19 is much higher among the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. (COVID-19的致死率在老年人和有潜在健康状况的人中要高得多。)

2. The car crash resulted in one fatality and several injuries. (汽车撞车导致一人死亡、数人受伤。)

3. The fatality of the plane crash shocked the world. (飞机坠毁的致命件震惊了全世界。)

4. The fatality of the situation was clear – there was no way to avoid the impending disaster. (情况的致命性是显而易见的 - 没有办法避免即将到来的灾难。)

5. The increase in road fatalities in the city has raised concerns among the local authorities. (城市道路死亡事故的增加引起了当地的关注。)





1. The accident resulted in one fatality and several injuries.


2. The fatality rate of this disease is very high.


3. The report showed an increase in traffic fatalities last year.





例句:He was a fatality of war, he had been bayonetted to death by a Polish conscientious objector. (他是被一个拒服兵役的 波兰人用刺刀捅死的。)


例句:Well, depending on other co-morbidities such as the person's general health and access to quality medical care, the Case Fatality Rate is between 24 and 90%. (这取决于患者本身的其他因素 诸如本人本身的健康状况 和是否能接受有效治疗等)


例句:Eary diagnosis and Correct operative manner can reduce fatality rate and it is an important factors for improving the survival quality. (早期诊断及正确术式是降低病死率,提高生存质量的重要因素。)


例句:They're reporting a fatality at the scene. They're saying it's a woman, but Aidan still hasn't reported in. (翻译:电视刚报到事故中有一名死者 据说是名女性)


fatality一般作为名词使用,如在drug fatality(药物致死)、fatality rate([医] 致死率)、fatality rates(致死率)等常见短语中出现较多。

drug fatality药物致死
fatality rate[医] 致死率
fatality rates致死率
fatality ratio致死率
injured and fatality人身伤亡
traffic fatality交通死亡率
tuberculosis fatality rate结核病病死率


1. Eary diagnosis and Correct operative manner can reduce fatality rate and it is an important factors for improving the survival quality. (翻译:早期诊断及正确术式是降低病死率,提高生存质量的重要因素。)

2. They're reporting a fatality at the scene. They're saying it's a woman, but Aidan still hasn't reported in. (翻译:电视刚报到事故中有一名死者 据说是名女性)

3. But... for young and healthy patients like Myeong Ju, the fatality rate decreases sharply. (翻译:像尹中尉那样年轻健康的病人 死亡率会大大下降)

4. According to the d.O.T. Website, there was a traffic accident with a fatality. (翻译:根据的网站 有一场一人死亡的交通意外)

5. Farragut's death seems like an open-and-shut drunk driving fatality. (翻译:Farragut的死一目了然 就是酒后驾车致命)

6. There I could predict a 45% possibility of fatality. (翻译:在那里可以预测出45%的致命可能性 - 那是有可能的)

7. What do you think the scientific consensus is going to likely end up being on, like, the two key numbers of its infectiousness and its fatality rate? (翻译:你认为最后有可能达成 什么样的科学共识? 比如说, 两个重要指标—— 病毒的传染性和病死率? )

8. An elderly gravida easily suffered from subarachnoid hemorrhage with high case fatality. (翻译:高龄孕妇易发生蛛网膜下隙出血且病死率高;)

9. I have a rollover T.C with one fatality. (翻译:一辆车翻落山谷... 有一名死者 请派两个单位前来支援)

10. Different forms of cancer have different fatality rates. (翻译:不同类型的癌症死亡率也不同。)

11. He says, "Fatality investigations for firefighters often include 'We didn't think the fire was going to do that,' even when all of the available information was there to make safe decisions." (翻译:他说,”针对消防员的死伤调查 常有这样的记述‘我们没有想到火灾中会出现这种情况,’ 然而事实上根据当时已有的信息 已经可以做出安全的决定了。“ )

12. The 12 fatalities were caused by ATM deposit envelopes from banks across the city, the most recent fatality originating from an ATM envelope at First International Bank. (翻译:这场造成12人死亡的惨剧 是由市内银行ATM的存款信封所引起 最近的灾祸)

13. Now, I believe there's at least one fatality in there already. (翻译:我想里面至少有一名死者 我认为是枪声触动了 火警警铃)

14. Let us, then, impute to the fatality of things alone these formidable collisions. (翻译:我们只能把这些猛烈的冲突归咎于事物的必然性。)

15. And maybe so, but it can also be interpreted as a hair's breadth away from another fatality. (翻译:或许如此 不过也很容易解释 千钧一发 命悬一线)


