socks是什么意思 socks的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-18 07:01:59南巷

1. 词义:'socks' 指的是一种穿在脚踝以上、一般由棉、毛等面料制成的短筒袜子。常用复数形式。

socks是什么意思 socks的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:'socks' 是名词,常用复数形式。

3. 词组搭配:put on/take off socks(穿上/脱下袜子)、ankle socks(短筒袜)、knee-high socks(过膝袜)、wool socks(羊毛袜)、cotton socks(棉袜)等。

4. 短语:no-show socks(无口袜子)。

5. 发音拼写:/'sks/。


1. I always wear socks to keep my feet warm in winter.(我冬天总是穿袜子,保持我的脚暖和。)

2. Please take off your ss and socks before entering the carpeted area.(请在进入地毯区域前脱下鞋子和袜子。)

3. She prefers ankle socks to knee-high socks.(她更喜欢短筒袜而不是过膝袜。)

4. These wool socks are very comfortable to wear in cold weather.(这些羊毛袜在寒冷的天气里穿起来非常舒适。)

5. He accidentally put on two different socks this morning.(今天早上他不小心穿反了两只袜子。)





1. Don't forget to wear socks, it's cold outside.(别忘了穿袜子,外面很冷。)

2. I need to buy new socks, all of mine have holes in them.(我需要买新袜子,我所有的袜子都有洞。)




例句:He was waggling his toes in his socks. (他的脚趾在袜子里来回移动。)


例句:I'm not gonna be wearing socks in Africa, not with these beautiful feet. (ﺎﻴﻘﻳﺮﻓﺃ ﻲﻓ ﺏﺭﺍﻮﺟ ﻱﺪﺗﺭﺃ ﻦﻟ .ﺔﻠﻴﻤﺠﻟﺍ ﻡﺍﺪﻗﻷﺍ ﻩﺬﻫ ﻊﻣ ﺲﻴﻟ)


例句:Our company production and supply of tourmaline socks, the socks and cotton mixed with tourmaline fibers woven, natural gray, non-staining. (我公司生产供应托玛琳袜子,该袜采用托玛琳纤维和棉混织,天然灰色,不可染色。)


例句:The speed of the boat added to the speed of the socks. (翻译:就是船的速度 加上袜子的速度 那么光呢?)


socks一般作为名词使用,如在socks in([网络] 袜子在)、knee socks([网络] 过膝袜;及膝长袜;到膝盖的长袜)、mixed socks(交织袜)等常见短语中出现较多。

socks in[网络] 袜子在
knee socks[网络] 过膝袜;及膝长袜;到膝盖的长袜
mixed socks交织袜
nylon socksn. 尼龙袜子
old socks老伙计,老兄
pile socks毛巾袜
pop socks[网络] 尼龙短袜;流行音乐袜子图片;中筒袜
screening socks屏蔽袜
Ss and Socks[网络] 鞋袜;鞋子和袜子;鞋子和袜子听力


1. Our company production and supply of tourmaline socks, the socks and cotton mixed with tourmaline fibers woven, natural gray, non-staining. (翻译:我公司生产供应托玛琳袜子,该袜采用托玛琳纤维和棉混织,天然灰色,不可染色。)

2. The speed of the boat added to the speed of the socks. (翻译:就是船的速度 加上袜子的速度 那么光呢?)

3. Mari refolded the darned pullover and socks. (翻译:玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。)

4. Bohemian chic, roll-ups, odd socks. (翻译:别致的吉普赛人 手工卷制雪茄 不成对的袜子)

5. Socks and Stockings, Leather Goods and Accessories, Jewelry, Leather Belts, Supsenders, formalwear, Hosiery Socks, Jewellery and Neckwear. (翻译:采购产品袜子和长袜,皮革商品和配件,珠宝,皮革带子,正装,袜子,珠宝和领子。)

6. The boy was scolded for his wet trousers and socks by his mother. (翻译:男孩因把裤子和袜子都弄湿了而受到了妈妈的责骂。)

7. ♪ For the smelly shirts and the stinky socks (翻译:# 有味道的衬衫和臭袜子的时候 我们歌唱 #)

8. All of my socks and underwear are plain and mostly black. (翻译:我所有的袜子和内衣都是纯色而且大部分是黑色的。)

9. However, Kuratowski finiteness would fail for the same set of socks. (翻译:即使是同套的袜子,库拉托夫斯基的有限性也会不适用。)

10. Or they take off their socks and it stinks like toe cheese. (翻译:或者他们脱下袜子 那味道就好像是奶酪的味道)

11. I remember she wore plimsolls... and white socks... (翻译:我还记得她穿一双白色的 网球鞋和白色的袜子)

12. Yeah, I got on your suit and your drawers and socks, too! (翻译:是的,我拿了你的西装,和袜子! 那又怎么样? Yeah, I got on your suit and your drawers and socks, too!)

13. I was thinking we could put an extra pair of socks in each room because people always forget to pack enough socks when they go on a trip. (翻译:我想我们可以在每个房间里 多放一双袜子 因为人们旅行的时候总是 不记得带足够的袜子)

14. If Socks ever gets lost, go find her, okay? (翻译:万一索克斯不小心迷路的话 If Socks ever gets lost, 你一定要找到它才行哦 go find her, okay?)

15. I mean, I trained in socks, for goodness sake. (翻译:我是说 我可是学袜子设计的啊 看在上帝的份上)


