get on with是什么意思 get on with的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-18 12:48:00琉羽

get on with是什么意思 get on with的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:get on with sth/sb (继续做某事/与某人相处)


发音拼写:/et n w/


1. I find it easy to get on with my colleagues at work.


2. We need to get on with the project if we want to finish it on time.


3. He always gets on with his homework before playing.


4. I can't get on with this task without your help.


5. She gets on with her studies so well that she has achieved excellent grades.



读音:/et n w/


1. Let's get on with the meeting. 我们开始开会吧。

2. He needs to get on with his work. 他需要继续工作。

3. I hope we can get on with each other. 希望我们能相互融洽相处。

4. We started off as strangers but now we're getting on really well. 我们最初是陌生人,但现在相处得非常好。

get on with在中文中有"继续、和…友好相处"的意思,还经常被翻译为干某事,读音为[et n wi],get on with在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到59个与get on with相关的例句。

Get on with的中文翻译


例句:Now get the angle on this. (Now get the angle on this.)


例句:Are we trying to get in or are we trying to get out? (我们是在试图进去还是出去? Are we trying to get in or are we trying to get out?)


例句:Maybe we could try this again. (Seven hundred and fifty people get on. Two get off.)


get on with一般作为名词使用,如在get ... on(na. 上马;安上;过日子;相投 (with together)\n[网络] 上车;进展;相处)、get at(得到; 找到; 责备; 暗示)、get at it(〈口〉取笑(某人))等常见短语中出现较多。

get ... onna. 上马;安上;过日子;相投 (with together)\n[网络] 上车;进展;相处
get at得到; 找到; 责备; 暗示
get at it〈口〉取笑(某人)
get by通过, 混过
get by on靠…过活
get by with用…生活,靠…度日;用…对付过去;(欺骗)成功;侥幸;逃脱处罚
get for以(某价钱)购得;为…获得,买得;卖(某物)得到(某价钱)
get in on参加,参与,干预
get in there(非正式)采取积极行动(以实现目标)(常用于劝戒)
get in to[网络] 到达什么地方;这个错误可能使他陷入困境


1. Maybe we could try this again. (翻译:Seven hundred and fifty people get on. Two get off.)

2. Get it off, get it off, get it off. (翻译:Get it off, get it off, get it off. 脱下来,脱下来嘛,都脱掉 脱掉啊,脱掉,都脱)

3. ♪ Get it, get it, do you like it? (翻译:明白 明白 你喜欢吗* *Get it, get it, do you like it)

4. ♪ I know you dig the way I sw-sw-switch my style ♪ (翻译:♪ Go, get your freak on ♪ ♪ Go, get your freak on, go, get your freak on ♪)

5. ♪ ♪ Get it, get it, get it, get it... ♪ (翻译:明白 明白 明白* *Get it, get it, get it, get it)

6. As safely and as fast as you can, please. (翻译:Get them in. Come on. Get them in.)

7. Now, you cannot let him get on a plane. Head him off at the departure gate if you have to, but I repeat, do not let him get on a plane. (翻译:you cannot let him get on a plane. do not let him get on a plane.)

8. Get that, get that, get that. (翻译:录那个 把那个录下来! Get that, get that, get that!)

9. You gotta get me out of here. (翻译:You gotta get me out. You gotta get me out of here.)

10. Get in, get in, get in, get in. (翻译:进去 进去 进去 Get in, get in, get in, get in.)

11. Get a job, get married, get a life, what are you waiting for? (翻译:找工作 结婚 Get a job, get married, 开始新生活 你还在等什么? get a life, what are you waiting for?)

12. All right, get Leo and get down here. (翻译:get Leo and get down here.)

13. Just get it done and get it back to me. (翻译:把事情搞定再来找我汇报 Just get it done and get it back to me.)

14. ♪ Get it, get it, get it, get it... ♪ (翻译:明白 明白 明白* *Get it, get it, get it, get it)

15. Gonna get myself baptized, gonna get myself baptized (翻译:Gonna get myself baptized, gonna get myself baptized)
