nais是什么意思 nais的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-18 19:38:00╭瑾色流年〃

1. 词性和词义:'nais'是一个缩写词,通常表示"Newly Acquired Information Syndrome",即新获得信息综合症。这个词通常用于描述在学习或了解新类别、新语言或新主题时,人们可能会感到的压倒性的信息量。这个词也可以用作名词,形容词或动词。

nais是什么意思 nais的中文翻译、读音、例句


- I suffer from nais every time I start a new project.

- Learning a foreign language can induce nais.

- The nais is real when you try to absorb information about a complicated subject.

- The teacher noticed that some of her students had a serious case of nais during the lecture.

2. 用途和意义:'nais'经常被用来描述学生、研究人员和专业人士在学习和工作中所面临的挑战。它被视为一种焦虑和压力症状,通常需要采取一些预防措施来缓解它。


- Teachers can help alleviate nais by breaking down information into smaller, more manageable chunks.

- Proper rest and regular physical exercise can help reduce nais.

- Students can reduce the effects of nais by using study aids such as flashcards or diagrams.

- A supportive environment can help alleviate nais.

3. 范围和限制:'nais'这个词通常只用于描述短期的、时间敏感的学习或工作任务。它通常不适用于长期的、累积的知识获取过程。


- I have a serious case of nais because I have to learn all of this information before the exam tomorrow.

- Nais does not apply to long-term learning goals, as those are developed over time.

- The biology course is causing me to experience nais because I find the subject difficult.

4. 影响和应对:'nais'对学生和工作人员的影响可以严重地影响他们的效率和健康。然而,通过一些预防措施和学习策略,人们可以减少nais的影响。


- The teacher noticed that many students were experiencing nais, and so she implemented shorter, more active lessons to help them stay engaged.

- Employees can reduce the effects of nais by scheng regular breaks and practicing mindfulness activities.

- The student found that using a planner and taking frequent breaks during study sessions helped him reduce the effects of nais.

- Counseling services can help students learn coping strategies for dealing with nais.



1. J'ai nais de devenir mdecin depuis que j'tais petit. (我从小就有做医生的希望。)

2. Elle a toujours nais de visiter Paris un jour. (她一直希望有一天能够参观巴黎。)

3. La nais de russir dans sa carrire l'a pouss travailler dur. (对职业成功的渴望促使他努力工作。)




例句:na PVI we will not be out of the venue of the eh? (元太,我们该不会冲出会场了吧? 是...)


例句:Na Ri, it's okay, so just say something. (那个 娜丽啊 没事的 你先说说看啊 我会给你保密的)


例句:In seat NA-13, we have Mr. Fujimura from Vanderbilt's. (然后NA -13 是范德比尔特的藤邑先生)


例句:NA: Well the Yemen Times, across 20 years, has been through so much. (翻译:NA: xx年来《也门时报》 经历了许多跌宕起伏。)


nais一般作为名词使用,如在nais communis(普通仙女虫)、nais variabilis(参差仙女虫)等常见短语中出现较多。

nais communis普通仙女虫
nais variabilis参差仙女虫


1. In seat NA-13, we have Mr. Fujimura from Vanderbilt's. (翻译:然后NA -13 是范德比尔特的藤邑先生)

2. NA: Well the Yemen Times, across 20 years, has been through so much. (翻译:NA: xx年来《也门时报》 经历了许多跌宕起伏。)

3. Like nuclear DNA, mDNA harbours genes that can mutate and cause disease. (翻译:与核d NA一样,mDNA含有可以发生变异而导致疾病的基因。)

4. NA: Well, let me first warn you that I'm not the traditional Yemeni girl. (翻译:NA: 首先我必须说 我不是传统型的也门女孩儿。)

5. Welcome to Grand Metropark Hotel Na… (翻译:南京维景国际大酒店欢迎您! )

6. Mr. Guzman has been mentioned... as a possible presidential candidate for his own country. (翻译:古兹曼先生已经提到 作为他的国家的可能的候选\ NA总统。)

7. Only Se Na company chairman seems like give Se Na very big pressure. (翻译:只是世娜公司会长 好像给世娜很大的压力了)

8. E stop me cause dela na front. (翻译:ﺔﺒﺿﺎﻏ ﻲﻨﻠﻌﺠﺗ ﻻ . ﻕﻼﻃﻹﺍ ﻰﻠﻋ ﺀﻲﺷ ﻻ)

9. NA: Well there is a saying that says, "You fear what you don't know, and you hate what you fear." (翻译:NA: 有句谚语说: “未知带来恐惧, 恐惧带来厌恨。” )

10. Mr. Na! (翻译:那爷,那爷,实在是对不住您啊! 这孩子平常不是这样)

11. (bar patrons) * Na na na na, hey, hey, hey Goodbye (翻译:我们走 ◎ Na na na na. Hey.)

12. We must not let Na Na be Seo Yong Hak's bodyguard for this. (翻译:娜娜 一定要让她不能参加 这次徐龙学的警卫才是)

13. Co-Producers Kyung Hyun Kim, Brian Bell Steven Nam, Danielle Na (翻译:共同制作 金经铉 南宗宇 Steven Nam,Danielle Na)

14. Na na na na na Come on, come on, come on (翻译:# 呐 呐 呐 呐 呐 来吧 来吧 来吧 #)

15. ~ Na, na, do, re, mi, baby ~ (翻译:# Na, na, do, re, mi, baby #)
